Chapter 89 Uncle is here

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"You can come by yourself without picking me up. You are busy at work, so why waste your time?"

The uncle was carrying a basket on his back, and Qin Zahao was carrying a bag and they entered the house.

"Uncle is here, come in and sit down"

"You talk to your uncle, and I'll make some food for him."

Xie Yun also quickly asked her uncle to sit down and poured him a glass of water.

"Uncle, you didn't tell me to send a telegram first when you came. We will pick you up."

"What are you picking up? It's not like I can't find a place."

"Is everything going well on the road? How are my grandma and grandpa doing?"

"My journey is going well, and your grandparents are in good health. They just miss you."

"I don't trust you this time. I'm here to see you."

"We are all very happy, especially the children are very cute."

Just as he was talking, he heard the children calling mother, and Xie Yun took her uncle into the house.

As soon as the uncle entered the house, he saw four little guys on the kang. When the four little guys saw Xie Yun come in, they followed their mother and looked at the uncle curiously.

Xie Yun taught the little ones how to be great uncle, and all four little ones followed suit.

I kept agreeing to make my uncle happy.

My uncle looked at this and that, and he couldn't get enough of any one he liked.

Ever since he saw the child, his uncle had never closed his mouth.

Just as he was looking at the little guys, Qin Zahao came to call for dinner.

Uncle Wang was still smiling while eating, and Aunt Wang and Aunt Liu were cleaning the kitchen. It seemed that life was indeed good, so they could rest assured.

At first, he was afraid that the children would report good news but not bad news, so he came to take a look without saying a word, just to see what their real life was like.

When he got here, everything seemed fine. He stayed for two days to see if nothing happened and then went home.

After the meal, his uncle took his bag and basket over and took out things one by one.

"These are dried shrimps. We make them ourselves. I know you like them, so I got some more for you."

"This is for your grandma and the others to make dried meat and grind their mouths for the steamed buns."

"Your grandpa got this for you, your aunt got these for you, and your cousin got these for you."

The uncle took out the things and put them on the table. Xie Yun looked at them with red eyes.

"Don't mail so many things to your house in the future. You can keep them for yourself, and they still have steamed buns to keep." My uncle was also afraid that his in-laws would have objections if he mailed too many things.

"Uncle, I'll give you the mail and you can use it. There's no shortage of things at home. Grandpa and grandma are old so don't worry too much about us. We're all very supportive." Qin Hao said quickly.

"You guys are interested. By the way, these are clothes made of defective cloth from your aunt's place. You can put them on for Steamed Bun and the others to see if they fit." The uncle took out four more small clothes.

Xie Yun looked at the size of the clothes and they must fit.

He brought the four little ones in front of him and gave them clothes to put on.

The four little guys were happy in their clothes and clapped their hands. Xie Yun taught them how to thank their uncle.

The four little guys were there to thank their uncle and make him very happy.

At night, when my uncle was sleeping in the guest room, he was thinking, "I'll see it again the next day, and I'll go home the day after tomorrow."

Xie Yun and the others here are also saying: "Daughter-in-law, please take a day off and take your uncle around."

"Well, I'm buying some things for grandma and the others to take back."

"Buy more. If there's anything you can't buy, just tell me and I'll buy it. Don't blame me."

"Hey, I understand."

After getting up and having breakfast on the first morning, Xie Yun took her uncle out for a walk.

The uncle said that he could go around and let Xie Yunqi go to work by himself, so don't let Xie Yunqi pull him because he delayed work.

Xie Yun took her uncle shopping for a long time and bought some things for her grandma and others. When her uncle refused to let her buy it, Xie Yun said, "Uncle, you don't want to buy it now. I will buy it when you finish it. I will mail it to you then." You still have to pay for postage. If you buy it now and get it back, you can save me some money."

My uncle had no choice but to stop him. He went home for lunch and put all his things at home.

My uncle said nothing in the afternoon and said he was tired. In fact, he didn't want Xie Yun to spend money.

Qin Zahao came back for lunch at noon and asked his wife during lunch break.

"My wife, if there is anything you haven't bought yet, let me, the King, take a look at it."

"I'll write it down for you, and you can buy it when the time comes."


Xie Yun took a pen and wrote it down, and handed it to Qin Zahao after writing.

The uncle never thought that he would not stop Xie Yun and the others from buying things.

In the evening, Qin Zahao brought the sack back. When his uncle saw it, he saw that Xie Yun was staying with him at home and Qin Zahao had bought it.

It seemed that Qin Hao was really interested in Xie Yuntuo, so he was relieved.

"You two, stop being so busy. I'll be back in the next day. You bought too much and I can't take it."

"Uncle, why are you in such a hurry to come back? Let's stay for a few more days."

Qin Zahao really wanted his uncle to stay for a few more days, and Xie Yun also persuaded him, "Uncle, please stay for a few more days. How can you just come here?"

"I can't stand it any longer. I'll just stop talking when I see you. I still have life at home."

"Uncle, it's not easy for you to come here. Just stay for a few days and then try again."

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