Chapter 143 Liu Quan's stepmother

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"Daughter-in-law?" Qin Minghao called without hearing his wife.

"Don't ask me to be busy now." Xie Yun patted his back.

"Daughter-in-law, what are you busy with?"

"I'm too busy thinking about you"


Qin Minghao sent Xie Yun home and went to do his own things. He also wanted to investigate Liu Quan's stepmother. He couldn't put his child and wife in danger.

After Xie Yun returned home, she first talked with Grandma Qin, played with the three little ones for a while, and then went to the kitchen to make rice dumplings.

In fact, rolled rice is seaweed rolled rice. Xie Yunduo made some, and the adults also made some mildly spicy ones, while the children all made them not spicy.

Although the nanny felt that Xie Yun was wasting money cooking, she still knew what was right and didn't say anything.

Xie Yun doesn't always cook, so it doesn't cost much?

When Xie Yun went to pick up the four little guys in the evening, she saw the four little guys coming out with Liu Quan.

From the looks of it, the four little guys have become friends with Liu Quan.

"Thank you, Auntie." Liu Quan greeted Xie Yun politely when he saw her.

"Liu Quan is imitating you, how can you go home?"

"My dad will come pick me up"

"Then Auntie will stay with you here until your father comes."

"Thank you, auntie." After saying this, the four little guys started mumbling together with Liu Quan.

Xie Yun could vaguely hear something, like four little guys teaching Liu Quan how to deal with his stepmother.

What did these four little guys learn from the grandmothers in the courtyard? Did they even learn this?

It turned out that in the evening, everyone in the courtyard went out to enjoy the cool air and chat, while the children played, and sometimes the four little guys also went out to play.

Xie Yun did not restrain them, so they followed Liu Quan's example and summarized what they thought was right.

Xie Yunqi thought it was okay. There was nothing excessive or dangerous, so he didn't say anything.

When Liu Quan's father came to pick him up, Xie Yun took the children home.

In the evening, the family ate seaweed rice rolls after Qin Minghao came back.

While eating glutinous rice balls, we talked about eating them. The four little guys were not picky eaters at all. It was rare for a mother to be satisfied if there was anything they wanted to eat.

After eating, Xie Yun took the glutinous rice dumpling's schoolbag over and sewed the open seam from

For the next two days, the four little guys kept playing with Liu Quan, and sometimes even whispered together.

On the third day, when Qin Minghao returned home, he told Xie Yun about Liu Quan's stepmother.

Xie Yun's mouth opened wide after hearing this. This news made Xie Yun so surprised that she couldn't close her mouth.

It turns out that Liu Quan's mother and father divorced because Liu Quan's stepmother drugged Liu Quan's father. Liu Quan's father didn't notice and thought he had ruined his family's innocence.

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