Chapter 119 Pregnancy

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People watching the bicycles along the way showed envious eyes, especially the eyes of girls.

After all, they don't have such a beautiful diagonal beam bicycle now, they still have parallel bars and a chain box.

After the two returned home, Qin Minghao pushed the bicycle into the warehouse and put it away.

He should save this for his wife to ride when he is on a mission. Now that he is at home, he still takes his wife to and from get off work, and this cannot be deprived of him.

Xie Yun didn't say anything after seeing his actions. She now felt Qin Minghao's heart accurately.

Anyway, I am still tired from riding, so if he wants to take it with him, he can take it with him.

There was no time for a nap today. The two of them finished their meal and rested before going to work again.

In the afternoon, Xie Yun knitted sweaters in the office all afternoon. Now that the children are a little older, I took apart the small sweaters that the children wore, washed the wool, and then knitted bigger ones.

When Qin Minghao came to pick her up from get off work in the evening, he told her not to knit sweaters all the time, but to rest and not get tired.

Qin Minghao ate meat again in the evening, and the next morning was the day he agreed with the slaughterhouse to deliver the meat.

The people from the slaughterhouse brought the meat over, and the master was happy when he saw it. The staff in the canteen helped unload the meat, and Xie Yun paid the people at the slaughterhouse.

The master chef started to lead the people in the canteen to get busy. It was pleasing to see so much meat.

Xie Yun didn't care how to do these things, she just bought the things.

Some people saw the car delivering meat coming from the slaughterhouse, and when they got back to the workshop, they said it, and the news spread like this.

When the cafeteria opened for dinner, there were so many people that there was an elder in the queue.

㦂People also think that this canteen buyer is better than the previous one. He can buy so much fish and so much meat.

People are beating meat with smiles on their faces. Xie Yun here is already at home with Qin Minghao.

The days passed peacefully like this day by day. The slaughterhouse delivered meat once a week, and Xie Yun also brought out the same snacks from the space every week.

None of the current employees are dissatisfied. They all say that he is a capable buyer

Deputy Director Jin was so angry that he privately wrote a letter of complaint to report Xie Yun's corruption.

But when I checked the accounts, every account was clear, and no corruption had been done.

I don't know how this matter was leaked out, and someone at the factory found out about it.

㦂People get angry when they hear this. You say it's hard to find someone who can purchase good things for them without being corrupt.

There are people who write reporting letters out of conscience. What are they trying to do? You don't want them to be well, do you?

People went to their leaders and asked them to give them an explanation. They should not let this cancer stay here and must eliminate it.

The leaders also scolded the person who wrote the report letter during the meeting. You said you were just looking for trouble.

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