Piper McLean| Christmas at Camp

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I frowned as I concentrated, weaving the garland around the border of our cabin into wreaths. Of course the whole camp wanted to celebrate Christmas this year and exchange names for a present. Of course I just had to get the cutest girl in this camp's name. Of course it just had to be Piper.

I put my frustrations into making the wreaths. I didn't know what to get Piper. What do you get the girl whom you have a crush on but they don't know you have a crush on them especially since they don't know you're gay?

"Dani, if you make those wreaths any bigger they'll collapse the cabin."

I jumped and turned around to see my head counselor, Miranda. I gave her a sheepish smile, "Sorry Miranda, I got lost in my thoughts."

She looked me over, her green eyes sparkling in the winter sun. It looked almost as if she knew what I was thinking. "They need more wreaths down at the pavilion."

"I'll get right on that." I muttered before trudging down to the open air pavilion where we eat all our meals. When I got there, there was groups of satyrs trying to decorate. There was one group who looked lost with a pile of red bows.

"Let me guess, those are for nonexistent wreaths?"

They jumped, almost scattering before they realized it was me. "O-oh y-yes." The one who spoke looked to be a young satyr but I've never been good at guessing their ages.

"Let me make them." I tossed up some seeds, making them burst and quickly making them into regular wreaths. "Here you go guys, do you need any more help?"

They quickly shook their heads before tying the red bows on the wreaths.

"Hey Dani, Aphrodite cabin could use some help." My heart almost burst out of my chest at the sound of Piper's voice.

I turned around slowly, trying to smile at her. "I would love to help Piper."

"Great." Her smile was brilliant. The wind was slightly brisk as it blowed, Mr. D controlling the barriers to let it be slightly cold but not cold enough to need jackets. Her brown choppy hair brushed her shoulders as she turned before looking back at me with the same smile, "Aren't you coming?"

I blinked before nodding, "Yeah."

I fiddled with my hands as I followed her, accidentally making the grass grow taller around me. I tried to keep my emotions in check but I couldn't. Piper was just so beautiful and kind. Not at all like the old head counselor for the Aphrodite cabin.

I followed Piper up the steps to the cabin that smelt like a perfume bottle exploded.

"I asked the dryads if there was any trees I could use that didn't have a spirit attached to it and well... they didn't take that question too lightly." Piper showed me a small, skeletal looking tree in the corner of the cabin.

I frowned, this tree hadn't lost its spirit too long ago. "I can make it come back to life but it's spirit hasn't been gone for long. That's why they were a bit salty about it."

"I didn't know, I'm so sorry."

I looked over my shoulder at her, "It's not me you should apologize to. But dryads can hold a grudge for awhile so if I was you I'd wait a bit before apologizing. They can be vicious. And you should leave them gifts to get back in their good graces."

"What kind of gifts?"

"Pretty nature things. Floral wreaths, stone statues, anything they could utilize to help them. I could help with some floral wreaths."

Her mouth quirked up in a smile, "Thank you."

"No problem. Now for this tree." I muttered. I touched my hand to it's bare branches before closing my eyes to concentrate.

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