Jaehee Kang| Cake

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I looked up at the bakery. All my friends have told me it's good, amazing even. Going to new places has always given me anxiety and I had to take a deep breath before opening the door.

I was immediately embraced by the sweet and bitter smell of cakes and coffee. There was a woman behind the counter with long, light brown hair and brown, almost gold eyes. She gave me a small as I approached, "What can I get you?"

"Um..." I looked around, at all the cakes before deciding, "I'd like a slice of that chocolate cake. It looks yummy."

She looked slightly embarrassed as she cut me a piece, "I've been told that it tastes good." She placed it on a plate in front of me, "Is that all?"

I nodded and right as I was about to hand her the money, the door slammed open and a male's voice sang out, "Jaeheeee!"

I dropped the money and I quickly bent down to get it, "I'm so sorry."

I heard her sigh, "It's okay. Seven, what do you want?"

"I just wanted to try some of your amazing desserts. I bet they can't be as good as Honey Buddha Chips."

I snorted as I finished picking up my money and standing up, handing 'Jaehee' the money, "I need something sweet whenever I eat those."

"That's why I drink PhD. Pepper with em. It's the most heavenly combination."

I looked to see a redhead with glasses next to me and Jaehee did not necessarily look happy seeing him, "Seven you're going to scare my customers away."

I smiled, "You know... that doesn't sound too bad... I think you're on to something dude."

He grinned, "See Jaehee, only geniuses get it."

She rolled her eyes before handing me back my change, "Enjoy your cake."

"Thank you Jaehee." I went and sat down, watching her and the ginger converse as I took a bite of the cake. It was delicious. It was the best cake I've ever ate. I quickly ate the rest of it before hurrying back to the counter, "Can I buy the whole cake?"

Jaehee's eyes widened, "What?"

"That cake was the best damn cake I've ever ate. I want all of it."

She looked baffled, "I- uh- what? MC get out here!"

Another brunette came out from the back, covered in flour, "Yes Jaehee?"

"Uh can we sell entire cakes? This lovely lady loves our cake so much she wants to buy an entire one."

MC looked at me with an raised eyebrow and I smiled, "Whatever your doing to those cakes, it's good."

"They're drugging them." The ginger, Seven said by my side and Jaehee glared at him.

"Trust me, we do not have drugs in our cakes. Please do not listen to this weirdo, he's dumb." Jaehee said.

I laughed, "I truthfully don't think I'd care if they were. They just taste so delicious."

MC nodded, "Yeah we can sell her the whole cake." She patted Jaehee's shoulder before going back into the back, "I think we've just earned ourselves a loyal customer."
I walked back into the bakery a week later, not hesitating this time and Jaehee looked up from behind the counter with a smile, "Came back for another cake?"

I nodded, a little sheepish, "Do you have another chocolate cake?"

"Yup." I watched her as she fixed a box up for the cake, "Aren't you going to get tired of chocolate cake Chaewon?"

I shook my head, "Never Jaehee. You can never get tired of cake."

She just laughed and handed me the box, "Whatever you say."
Another week went by and it was time for another cake. I walked up to Jaehee who just shook her head and grinned at me, "We're going to start making a little pile just for you."

"I'll take it." Jaehee started boxing up another chocolate cake for me and I leaned against the counter, "Hey Jaehee?"

"Hm?" She didn't look up as she moved the cake.

"Would you like to go on a date with me?" She stopped what she was doing and blinked a couple of times and I shook my head, "Actually you know what, never mind. Forget what I said."

"No, no I'd love to go on a date with you. You just took me by surprise, that's all." A blush spread over her cheeks as she looked down.

"Really? You... you'll go on a date with me?"

She looked up and nodded, "Yes, I'll go on a date with you."

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