Megumi Fushiguro| Slugs

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I ran out of my school, the doors creaking behind me as my feet slapped against the concrete steps. I could see my brother and his friend waiting for me.

I grinned, speeding up before slowing down, noticing that they were talking to someone. Make that multiple someones.

"My... junior high... here."

I frowned, feeling like I should know who's talking but I couldn't see him over my twin brother and his friend.

"Hey, what're you still here..." I nudged my brother before looking to the group they were talking to and freezing. My gaze landed on the dark haired male, his spiky hair just like how it was while he went here. There was a faint blush over his pale cheeks as he looked away from us, his friends nudging him about something.

"Fu-Fushiguro... senpai..." I blinked, memories of the last two years going through my head.

I whimpered as I shrunk back into the corner of the school, not wanting to draw attention to myself in case Fushiguro decided to set his sights on me.

Tears gathered in my eyes as I saw my brother being tossed onto the pile of beaten bodies, Fushiguro looking around to see if anyone else was around.

It was like there was something possessing him. Normally he went along by himself but when he gets in his moods like this, he was like a man possessed. It terrified me.

I opened my mouth, a squeak coming out as I backed up, almost losing my footing as I turned around and ran, not being able to stand being around Fushiguro. I wasn't afraid of much, but I was afraid of him.

"Sis! Kioshi!"

I shook my head as I ran back into the school, ignoring my brother calling out to me. I ran upstairs, wanting to go to my homeroom just to put more distance between me and Fushiguro.

The door slammed shut behind me and I leaned against it, my heart thudding in my chest and I knew it wasn't from running. I was genuinely terrified of Fushiguro, even though he had never beaten me up. Seeing him beat others though made me anxious and scared.

"Home... work? Late. Late... assignments... zero..."

I frowned as I heard a voice but it had an odd wobble to it, as if it wasn't human.

"Due... date..."

I leaned up on my tiptoes, looking out the little window to see who was still in the school.

"Late... homework..."

I blinked, there was... almost like a giant slug in the middle of the hallway. But there was no slugs that was that big. And slugs can't talk.


I slowly backed away from the door, my fear from Fushiguro now turning into fear of the giant slug that could talk that was in the middle of the hallway.

I could hear it getting close to my classroom. It moves way faster then an actual slug.

"Due date... last week... late..."

Suddenly the door was thrown back, a miniature creature of the slug in the hallway was approaching me and I let out a scream as I backed up, running into a desk.


I continued to back up into the desks until I tripped, my breath being knocked out of me as I landed on my back.

The little slug creature advanced and I started to scramble back. If the big slug can multiply, can the small slug too?

I tugged my shoe off, throwing it at the slimy creature and it's mouth opened wide, a set of sharp teeth glinting in the fading light as it swallowed my shoe whole and I let out another scream.

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