Shikamaru Nara| Nap

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I curled up underneath a table in Naruto's apartment, wishing I never let him talk me into coming to his party. Party's are always boring and there's always too many people.

I let out a yelp as someone grabbed my ankle and dragged me from my hideout. I glared at Sakura who gave me a smile, "Time for a game Nemu!"

I groaned, "Nemu doesn't want to play a game, Nemu wants to stay underneath their table."

Sakura narrowed her eyes as she pulled me up, "I don't care, Nemu is playing the game."

I sighed, "So troublesome." I said at the same time as someone else and I looked behind me to see Shikamaru Nara being dragged by Ino.

She let go of him as they got to where I was and I side eyed Shikamaru, "They forced you into the game too?"

He nodded, "I could be napping right now, what a drag."

"This is, indeed, a drag."

Naruto came around, holding out a hat, "I have already asked everyone to place an object in here to be pulled out! Now who wants to go first?"

My hand shot up, the sooner I get this over with, the sooner I can leave, "I will Naruto. I wanna get out of this hellhole." I muttered.

Shikamaru gave out a little laugh as Naruto held the hat out towards me. I lowered my hand into the hat, immediately grabbing the first thing I felt which was smooth and was either glass or plastic.

I opened my palm to reveal a wooden shogi piece and Shikamaru sighed before grabbing it, "That's mine."

Naruto grinned, "Let's go! And Nemu, please don't kill us."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "If I wanted to I would've done it by now."

There was slight terror on his face as he pushed me behind Shikamaru and into a room before closing the door, "Seven minutes!" He called out in a singsong voice. And that's when it hit me: we were playing Seven Minutes in Heaven.

"More like Seven Minutes in Hell." I muttered.

"What was that?" Shikamaru asked as I sat down, my back against a wall.

"Nothing Shikamaru."

There was silence before Shikamaru broke it, "Well what do you want to do now?"

"Sleep." I didn't even think before I answered.

"I could go for a nap too." I heard him lay down before there was a patting sound, "Come here Nemu."

I crawled in the direction that I thought he was before I felt something, "Is that you Shikamaru?"

"Yes, that's my foot."

I felt a blush come across my cheeks as I released his foot, "Oh, sorry."

"Eh, it's okay." Something grabbed me and gently laid me down, "Man I'm tired."

My face continued to get redder as Shikamaru's arms snaked around me, pulling me into him. My head laid on his chest and I listened to his heart beat as his breaths evened out and slight snores came from him. I smiled before resting an arm around his torso, closing my eyes.

This is the perfect time for a nap.

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