Sirius Black| Marry Me

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"Marry me."

I looked up from my book at a boy with black, curly hair and grey eyes, "No."

James laughed from the arm chair, "You're about as worse as me mate."

"Please." Sirius said, giving me puppy dog eyes.

I rolled my eyes, "No." And went back to reading my book.
I heard laughter as the Marauders entered the library and I looked over to Lily who rolled her eyes.

"I should go before he sees me." I said, gathering up my stuff.

Lily nodded, knowing exactly who I was talking about, "I guess I'll see you in the common room then."

I nodded and started towards the doors to leave whenever I heard my name being called, "Oi Roberts, where ya goin'?"

I turned around to see James, Sirius, Peter, and Remus in the back, looking at books. "I'm leaving so I don't have to deal with you gits."

James held a hand to his heart, "Ouch. Not all of us are gits. Take Peter for example, " he put his arm around the shorter boy's shoulders, "he's sweet and innocent and not at all a git."

I frowned, "No he's not. I've seen him laughing at your pranks against Severus. He's just as much as a git as you or Black."

James gasped and put his hands over Peter's ears, "How dare you speak of little Peter like that?" He looked to Sirius, "What do you even see in this one?"

Sirius smiled, "I see my future wife."

I rolled my eyes and turned around, "Not gonna happen Black."
I sat at the end of the Gryffindor table, far from the Marauders. I was reading my book when I heard someone shout my name. I looked down the table to see Sirius grinning at me, "Marry me?"


Lily giggled beside of me, "How many times has that been today?"

"Twenty three."

Sirius shouted again, "How about now?"

"Twenty four."
I pointed to Remus' parchment, "You spelt that word wrong."

He looked at it in surprise, "Oh, I did. Thank you." He waved his wand and made it disappear before rewriting it, this time correctly.

The door to the common room opened and laughter spilled in as the rest of the Marauders walked in, "You should've seen his face!" James practically yelled.

Remus and I looked up, watching them as Sirius smirked, "Snivellus didn't see it coming."

I frowned as Sirius called Severus that hideous nickname. I wasn't exactly friends with Severus, more like passing acquaintances but I still didn't like them calling him that.

"Y- yeah, the greaseball had it coming for him." Peter spoke up in his quiet voice.

Sirius looked and saw Remus and I and he waved, "Will you marry me now Roberts?"

I glared at him before looking back at Remus, "I'm sorry but I must go. If you need anymore help then just send Lily up."

He nodded and I got up, walking up the stairs to my dorm that I share with Lily.
"Marry me?" Sirius asked, a grin on his face as he sat across me at breakfast.

I was sitting next to Remus, helping him with a bit of last minute homework. I looked up at him with a frown, "No. Why would I ever want to marry someone as thickheaded as you? You are a conceited, egotistical git who doesn't care about anyone except himself and will put anyone down at the expense of a few laughs. Who would want to marry someone like that?"

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