Ryoma Terasaka| Wherever You Go

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10 Years Ago
I hummed to myself as I tried to lift my leg up above my head but I couldn't do it, the balance unsteady on my other foot, causing me to fall.

There was laughter and I glared up from where I sat in the floor at my next door neighbor, Ryoma Terasaka.

"Shut up! I wanna see you try to do this." I pouted at him and he continued to laugh, a glint in his pale green eyes.

"Watch and learn, Daki." He got up, and lifted his leg up, using his hands to help him as he leaned against my counter.

"No fair! You're cheating Ryoma!" I kicked at his leg, causing him to lose his balance too. I laughed as he fell next to me and it was his turn to glare at me.





I stuck my tongue out at him and turned around, planning on ignoring Ryoma for the rest of my life if I could.

"Aw c'mon Daki. You know I didn't mean it. C'mon, you're not actually a meanie." Ryoma crawled around to my side, poking my cheek until I couldn't help but smile as I swatted his hand away.

"Hey." I grinned as I sat up on my haunches, "Do you know how to dance?"

"Uh," Ryoma averted his eyes, scratching the back of his head as pink slowly creeped up his neck, "n-no?"

I grabbed his hands, pulling him up with me, "Lemme show you! I've seen my parents dance all the time!"

I placed his hands on my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck, just like I seen my mom do with my dad. Ryoma didn't look at me as I started swaying us back and forth through the kitchen, humming to myself since we didn't have any music. I had to stand on my tiptoes to be able to keep my arms around him but I was fine since this was also like ballet practice.

"Wherever you go Ryoma, I'll go too." I whispered as we danced.
Present Time
When I told Ryoma that I would go wherever he went, I didn't mean all the way to Class E, the End Class. I hadn't even wanted to be at the same middle school as him. Once I saw how he bullied everyone around him in elementary school, I didn't want to be friends with him and I wasn't but wherever I was, he was too.

I rolled my eyes as I tapped my fingers against my desk. I could hear Ryoma muttering to himself from his desk which, unfortunately, I sat beside of. I tried concentrating on the lesson Koro-sensei was teaching but I couldn't because of Ryoma.

I glanced at him before tearing a piece of paper out of my notebook, scribbling a quick note on it before throwing it at him. I watched from the corner of my eye as he glanced at it before slowly opening it.

I had to stifle a laugh as I watched Ryoma's face go through many emotions and many shades of red as he read what I wrote.

Hey dumbass, shut the fuck up so I can pay attention.
~Xoxo Tachiki
He turned to me, his mouth wide open as he glared at me and I sent him an air kiss before turning around, finally paying attention to what Koro-sensei was saying since Ryoma had quieted down.

I heard angry scribbling before something hit the side of my face and I whipped around, glaring at Ryoma as he faced forward, a small smirk on his face.

I all but tore the note open and saw Ryoma's chicken scratch handwriting scrawled underneath mine.

Make me bitch

I gritted my teeth, about to go off on Ryoma before I remembered that that's what he wants. He wants someone to fight. I shook my head, crumbling the note up and shoving it into my desk. Not today Ryoma Terasaka. You will not get my attention again.
I stretched as I came back from the pool, pausing every so often to do a new stretch as I made my way to the school building. I had gotten special permission from Koro-sensei and Karasuma-sensei to use the pool during our free period to practice ballet.

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