El Diablo| Normal

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I gazed at the door, at the face looking in at me as a woman's voice bounced off the walls, explaining my past, "First it was her parents, then her little sister. Then she decided to use her powers for "good". She purposely lured in pedophiles and rapists. They fell for it and we would find them frozen in the streets. She knew what she was doing. But then it turned into something bad."

I stopped listening after that, deciding to make ice formations on the walls. I've gotten really good with making swans.

"Will she do it?" The man asked as he watched my sculpture take form.

"Probably not but she's smart. She won't put up a fight."

"That'd be a first." The man muttered before they left.
I eyed all the men warily as I stepped out my prison, feeling nervously of the gloves on my hands as they gestured to a weird thing that looked like it would strap someone in.

I raised my eyebrow, looking at the man who watches over me, "Do I have to?"

He looked at me, unconvincingly, "Will you run?"

I shook my head, "Where would I go? I have nothing."

He looked at me for a minute before reaching out, trying to grab my arm. I quickly stepped back out of his reach, "Didn't she tell you? It's not safe to touch me, even with long sleeves on."

He blinked at me, "Right. Just stay in front of me. Don't struggle, don't run, do as you're told and we won't strap you."

I nodded before being surrounded by all the men and I walked beside them, head down, careful not to get close to them.

We came to what looked like a checkpoint with a bunch of military looking people set up at tables with computers and who knows what. One opened a case, revealing a silver gun looking thing.

"What is that?" I asked quietly.

"You don't need to know." The man said.

One of the people came towards me with the gun, about to touch my neck. I stepped back, holding up my hand, "Don't touch me. Just tell me what to do and I'll do it. Just don't touch me."

"Expose your neck." The woman with the gun said.

I leaned my head to the side, revealing my neck for her and she pressed the thing to my skin, injecting something in me which stung. They checked my heartbeat I think before they gave the okay.

I looked back at the gun before moving on, noticing the ice that had formed on the tip that had touched my skin.

"What was that? It stung." I asked as I rubbed my neck, following them down the tunnel.

"Nothing you need to worry about." The man said in his gruff voice.

I didn't ask anymore questions as I followed them to a big plane.
I stood off to the side of "Killer Croc" as Rick Flag showed up and told them to unlock us, except me, I had stayed unrestrained.

They all stretched, looking for a way to escape as I just looked down. I didn't want to cause any trouble.

I watched from the corner of my eye as they brought in a human sized sack that looked like it was struggling. Flag went up and cut it open, a man popping out and punching someone before being restrained.

Then another car showed up, another criminal popping out. So they're assembling a team of psycho criminals? Good plan.

"Listen up, your necks, that injection you got is a ninite explosive. It's the size of a rice grain but it's as powerful as a hand grenade. You disobey me, you die. You try to escape, you die. You otherwise irritate or vex me, guess what? You die." Flag said as he looked at all of us.

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