Karma Akabane| Reputation

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Me and my twin had always been attached to the hip. We did everything together. We were in the same class, taken the same extra lessons, had the same friends, made the same grades. Everything one did, the other did which made our father proud.

I'm not exactly sure when I had started to drift apart from my brother but I think it happened when I met Karma Akabane last year.
"Eat shit loser."

I peeked around the corner to see one of the upperclassman, my senpai, shoving another kid to the ground, stepping on him. I knew why the kid was being bullied. Because he was in Class 3-E. That meant anyone from the main building could do anything they wanted to to the 3-E kids and not get in trouble.

That would be my father's legacy. Kunigigaoka Junior High has one of the highest passing rates in Tokyo because of the fear of being sent to Class 3-E. So everyone in the main building did everything in their power to not be sent there. They would be considered a disgrace, an outcast.

I clenched my fist as I silently watched my senpai beat up the Class 3-E student. There was nothing I could do without becoming a disgrace myself. My father would never allow it.


I flinched at the low yell. I don't think I could handle watching someone join in on the beating. If it continued then I would need to get someone or stop it myself.

"What's going on here?" I peeked around the corner again to see Karma Akabane grinning, showing off his slightly sharper teeth as the sun glinted off his red hair. There was a look in his gold eyes that sparkled viciously as he stared at the upper years.

I had always heard he was violent. I wasn't sure if I was ready to witness it for myself though.

I went to go into the school building when I heard a thud and I ran back, seeing that chilling grin on Karma's face as he stepped on our senpai repeatedly. I felt like I couldn't breathe as I watched Karma. He acted so casual and calm. Like this was a daily occurrence for him.

My eyes flickered to the limp form of the 3-E student and I took a risk that I never thought I'd ever take. I ran to him, wanting to help him.

"Are you okay? Can you stand?" I tried to ignore the thuds behind us, not wanting to think about the blood being spilt here.

"Y-yeah." The boy let out a groan as I helped him up and I risked a glance behind me as we stumbled away. Karma's eyes met mine as he lifted his foot, going to step on our senpai again and I felt a shock go through me.

"Hurry. If they find you here then they'll pin the blame on you." I had to force myself to go faster, if not for the boy's sake then for mine. If I was seen helping him then I would be done for.
I had never told anyone that I had witnessed Karma beat up anyone because they were bullying someone from 3-E. I didn't want to place myself there at that time lest someone learn that I had helped the boy being bullied. Karma was suspended at the end of the year and I hadn't seen him again after that. I heard that when he would finally come back, he would be in 3-E.

But nothing felt the same for me after that. Every time I looked at one of my classmates, all I could see was someone who would rather die then be sent to Class 3-E. Who would beat someone up just because they were in a different class.

Every time I heard someone getting beat up, I would do what I could to help without revealing who I was. I knew I was just as bad as everyone else in my school because I wouldn't stand up for them publicly. I was just as scared as everyone else and wanted to protect my reputation. The reputation my father had helped me build to help his own reputation. To protect my brother's reputation.

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