Sasori| i would have loved you back... i think

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I frowned as I walked through the hideout, trying to find Sasori. I passed Hidan as he was coming out of his room, his cloak down around his waist, showing off his chest and abs, "Nii-san, have you seen Sasori?"

"That bitch? No, he's probably in his room building his shitty puppets." I nodded and went to leave but Hidan grabbed my arm, "Why're you looking for Sasori for?"

"Pein-sama wants us to go on a mission together. I'm supposed to give him the details."

"Oh." He let go of me before slightly smiling, "If that bitch lays a hand on you, sacrifice him to Jashin."

I don't follow the Way of Jashin but I don't mention that to my brother who's the reason why I'm even a rogue ninja, "Okay nii-san."

I continued throughout the hideout before stopping in front of Sasori's room. The door was closed but there was faint illumination coming from underneath the door. I took a deep breath before raising my hand to knock on his door whenever I heard his voice, "Are you going to come in or not?"

"Yes Sasori-danna." I pushed his door open before slipping in, "Pein-sama has assigned us a mission, we're to leave immediately."

I heard him sigh and stand up, his puppet features lit up from a lamp at a desk covered in puppet parts, "Meet me at the entrance when you're ready."

"Hai danna." I left before stopping at my room, grabbing my pack, cloak, and hat and going to the entrance where Sasori somehow beat me. I stared at the puppet that he was hidden in, Hiruko. Hiruko's always given me the creeps.

"Let's go." He said in a harsh voice.

"But wait! You don't know where we're going." I said as I ran to catch up with him.

"I've already talked to Pein, I know where we're going." I frowned, how long did I take in my room? He sighed, "Keep up, I don't like waiting."

We stopped in a small village on the border of the Land of Fire and Wind. Their leader acquired our services to help with a small group of rogue ninjas. Honestly this should've been a mission for Kakuzu, he could pick up a big bounty from all the them combined.

"We'll stay here and look into this tomorrow morning." Sasori said, walking into a small inn.

The lady behind the counter looked terrified as we walked in and I took my hat off as I approached, giving her my best smile, "Is there any rooms available?"

She nodded, "W-we have one."

I frowned a little bit, "Just one?"

There was a sigh behind me, "We'll take it." Sasori said, coming beside me.

She nodded, giving us a terrified smile as she shakily handed over a key which Sasori snatched before leaving, "C'mon Masako."

I left after giving the lady a smile and followed Sasori through the little inn before stopping before in front of a door and unlocking it. He walked in, his cloak swishing over the wood floor. I looked around, seeing two futons next to each other.

I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and ran into a small dresser, "Son of a bitch." I muttered as I rubbed my leg.

"Watch where you're going brat."

I huffed, "Thanks danna." 

I unzipped my cloak, tossing it and my hat on the floor before pushing one of the futons away from the other.

"What're you doing brat?"

"Moving the bed so I don't roll on you. I know you don't sleep but you always lay down to be nice."

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