Gaara| Smile

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I watched Gaara as his sister told him something. They were planning on training a new generation with Gaara, Temari, and their brother Kankuro as the teachers. Which was good, a lot of us wanted to become ninja, protect our village, make our parents proud. Which isn't exactly true for me, my parents begged me to not join, saying that I was too old. Most begin training when they're 5 but most of us don't have basic training and I'm one of the oldest, only being a year younger than Gaara himself. But I'm not going to let that stop me.

He said something back to her and she turned back to us with a smile which indicated to us to choose our teams.

I watched as everyone rushed to either Temari or Kankuro but not Gaara. I can't exactly blame them, he does look scary most of the time. But I know he's trying, he's trying to overcome that reputation that the previous Kazekage left him with: a terror. So because I know this I decide to chose him, the red haired man who I've never seen smile before with the love mark on his forehead.

I walked up to him, trying not to show hesitation as I approached him. He looked up at me and I saw the surprise in his teal green eyes as I stood in front of him.

I bowed, "Gaara- sama, I wish to be your student."

I only stood straight when I heard Gaara speak in that low voice of his, "Are you sure you want that?"

I nodded, "Yes."

He gestured to the table in front of him, "Choose a weapon then."

I looked down at the assortment of weapons on the table and held a hand up, hovering above the table before lowering it back down to my side, "I don't know which to choose."

"Which do you think would suit you? Which do you think could become an extension of yourself? To protect you and your comrades?"

I looked down at the table again, hoping one of them would speak out to me. My eyes roved over the selection before landing on a fan which was smaller than Temari's. I picked it up, opening it to reveal the symbol of Sunagakure on it.

"The tessen, much like my sister's fan only smaller. Do you think you can wield it?"

Gaara's voice startled me and I almost dropped the tessen, "I think so. Given some time and practice."

Gaara nodded, "Let's start then."

I huffed as I readied my tessen. Gaara has had me training nonstop for the last six months with my tessen and other assortment of weapons, wanting me to be proficient in them in case a time of war happens. When it happens.

I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath in, letting it out slowly as I opened my eyes and threw my tessen, slicing the heads off of all six training dummies as it ricocheted off of some stones.

"Good. You've gotten better at this."

The tessen landed back in my outstretched hand, kinda like a boomerang, "I better have. I feel like I train in my sleep."

This didn't get any reaction out of him, I've barely seen him show any emotions since I've been training under him, "That means I'm doing something right."

I smiled at him, "Obviously. A couple months ago I wouldn't even been able to throw this thing. Now I can take off six dummy heads." I went up and nudged him with my shoulder, "You're a good sensei Gaara- sama. Don't doubt yourself."

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