Loki| Fight Me

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[Modern AU]
I heard the door open and I knew it was the nurse, the one with the shoulder length black hair and green eyes. He was always quiet whenever he came in, not asking unnecessary questions, right to the point of the visit and then left.

Which I should've been glad for but I hated being in the hospital so I was cranky as I buried myself under pillows and blankets. Why do they keep it so damn cold?

"Fight me." I muttered underneath my pillows as he checked my vitals and I heard him give a little chuckle.

He moved the pillows once he was done and revealed my face which was probably pale and gross looking since I haven't had a good shower in a week, "Maybe later." And then he left.

I scowled after him and started coughing, needing some water.
"Fi...fight me." I started coughing as I said this and wheezed as I tried to breathe correctly.

He gave me a cup of water with a little smile, "I won't fight you. I know you'd win."

"Damn," I started coughing again, "right I would win."

He left after making sure I wasn't coughing up a lung, which I'm pretty sure I was, with a smile which was the most emotion I'd seen on him since being admitted to the hospital.
Loki came in, carrying a brown cup which was unusual, "So you're being discharged today. I brought you a present." He placed the cup down on a table, "And I brought you a paper detailing all the things you need to do for the next two weeks to not die."

I smiled as I grabbed the paper from him and my best friend grabbed my bag for me, "Fight me Loki."

He just smiled and left and I grabbed the cup of what I realized was coffee and saw there was writing on it.

Fight me?

And then a number beneath it. Loki left me his number.

I turned to my friend, "I have finally seduced someone with my wily charm and drool. And terrible lungs."

She laughed and patted my shoulder, "Let's go seducer of men, it's cold in here."

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