Izuku Midoriya| Feelings

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Yasu Bakugou: The younger sister of Katsuki Bakugou. She's smarter then your average middle schooler due to trying to keep up with her brother. She also has a special talent for making things. She could join the Hero Course or the Support Course when she enters high school.

Quirk: Explosion. She shares the same Quirk as her brother except she doesn't secrete the special sweat on just her hands but on her feet too. She wears a pair of special combat boots that she made herself that channels the sweat into the soles and explodes when she wants. It's very useful for jumping.

Age: 14
I looked around the school as I searched for my brother's classroom. This school was so big and I hated it. Who needs a school this big and confusing? I paused as I passed the nurse's office for the fifth time. I let out a small scream before opening the door.

A little old lady swiveled around on a little stool. "Who are you? You don't go here."

I gasped as I recognized Recovery Girl. I bowed, "I'm so sorry to bother you Recovery Girl but I was trying to find my brother's classroom. It's class 1-A."

"Oh." She gave me a smile and told me how to get there.

I stared up at the door that was really tall. Did it really need to be that tall? I slid it open to see a bunch of kids all grouped together, talking. Some stopped to stare at me while others didn't pay any attention.

I looked around to see my brother staring angrily out the window. I sighed before walking up and slamming my fist down on his table.

He glared at me. "Yasu? What do you want?"

I hopped onto his desk. "Mom made me come to see how you were doing. Make sure you weren't killing your classmates and such." I pulled out some money, "She also wanted me to give you this."

"Yo Bakugou, is this your sister?"

I looked to see a boy with yellow hair and a black streak that almost looked like a lightening bolt in his hair. "Yeah." Katsuki growled, "Don't even think about it dunce face."

The blond's eyes slightly widened before holding up his hands and backing off. I looked around and saw a familiar red head.

"Kirishima!" I hopped off the desk and launched myself at him.

"Woah, hey there Yasu." Kirishima picked me up before setting me down again, "You act like you haven't seen me in forever."

I frowned. "Well you and Katsuki are always together and every time I try to talk to you he gets mad at me."

"How come he can talk to her but I can't?!" The blond yelled, pointing at Kirishima and I.

"Because he already knows my sister is off limits." Katsuki growled, glaring at everyone.

I glared at him, "Since when did you care?"

"You're my little sister, I don't want you around these extras." He stood up, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Go back home."

I pouted before noticing a silent, green haired boy sitting behind Katsuki, watching everything. My eyes widened and a smile formed across my face, "Izuku!"

He stood up straighter. "Uh wha-what?"

I ran up to his desk, "It's been years since I've seen you. I've missed you." I leaned down, throwing my arms around his neck. "Since when did you get a Quirk?" I asked as I pulled back.

His face was red. "O-oh ya know I was just a late bloomer." He laughed a little nervously and looked away, avoiding my eyes.

I smiled and leaned forward, my lips brushing his ear. "I know you're lying Izuku, I can always tell when you're lying. I'm going to be here whenever you leave and me and you will need to catch up." He made a strangled noise as I whispered in his ear. I leaned back, a smile on my face, "I can't wait to catch up with you Izuku."

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