Kakashi Hatake| Sharingan

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I gasped as someone pushed me inside a room, blindfolded. "Naruto, you dobe! You can't just grab someone like that!" I banged on the door and I heard him giggle.

"You have seven minutes! Have fun!"

I heard his footsteps retreat and I sighed, slumping against the door and tearing the blindfold off to be met by even more darkness. I wish I hadn't showed up to the party but Sakura begged me, wanting to get closer to my brother. Stupid Sasuke.

"Hey Aiko."

I stiffened at the sound of my sensei's voice, "It's Akio today Kakashi-sensei."

"Ah sorry. I meant no harm."

"It's okay." There was silence for a moment, "Where are you Kakashi-sensei?"

"Just follow my voice."

I got up, walking forward until I stumbled over something, falling onto something warm. It let out an 'oomph' underneath me and I let out a laugh, "I think I found you Kakashi-sensei."

"I think you found me too."

I sat up, using Kakashi's chest to help and he sat up too, his hands on my waist, not letting me leave his lap, "Kakashi-sensei?"


I was suddenly feeling bold, "Can I kiss you?"

His hands tightened on my waist, "What?"

"I'm of age Kakashi." I leaned forward, "You can tell me no."

There was no verbal response, just Kakashi moving his hands up my back, pushing me into him as his lips found mine. My heart pounded uncontrollably in my chest as I felt so many different emotions. I have never felt so uncontrolled before.

I closed my eyes as Kakashi broke apart, leaving a trail of kisses down my jaw to my neck down to my collarbone. I sighed as I opened my eyes but something felt different and as I looked around and I was able to see and I saw Kakashi, his face. His face was so handsome.

I ran a hand down his jaw, "Why do you hide your face Kakashi?"

"Your Sharingan. It's been activated."

My eyes widened and I scrambled away from Kakashi, my hands coming up to my eyes, "What? How?"

"You must've felt a strong emotion. What happened?"

"I- I just felt so much when we kissed..." I touched my lips, "I felt love."

Kakashi smiled and slipped his mask back on, "We'll talk about this later Akio."

I blinked and the room went dark again, "Okay Kakashi."

The door flung open and I crouched, activating my Sharingan only to see my brother in the doorway, "Get out."

I sighed and stood up, "Sasuke, don't do that."

His eyes widened, "Y- your eyes. How? When?"

I shrugged, "I don't know. We'll talk about this later."

I got out of the closet, Kakashi trailing after me. I turned to him, "Remember Kakashi-sensei, we need to talk."

He placed his hand on the small of my back, pushing me, "And we will."

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