Tamaki Amajiki| Calm

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Haruto Abiko: She's one of the calmest people you'll meet but like Tamaki she can suffer from a severe lack of self esteem and anxiety. She loves Tamaki's pointy elf ears.

Quirk: Calm. She can calm anyone she touches and make them go to sleep. Her Quirk also works on machines, making them shut down. She chose her hero name to be Tranquility.

Age: 15
I watched as the door slid open, three upper years walking in. Two of them looked like they were having the time of their lives while the other one looked like he wanted to crawl into a hole and die. I felt that.

Mr. Aizawa introduced them as the Big 3. He wanted them to introduce themselves starting with the one who looked like he wanted to die.

He fixed us with an intense stare that had everyone frozen. He quickly looked down, muttering to himself as his whole body started shaking and he turned around, facing the wall. Everyone was surprised and I raised my hand.

"Yes Abiko?" Mr. Aizawa looked to me.

"May I?" I stood up, gesturing to the boy facing the wall.

Mr. Aizawa nodded and everyone stared at me as I walked up to him. He was still shaking and muttering to himself about potatoes.

"Excuse me." I peeked around him, "I'm going to touch your arm so don't freak out." I'm not sure if he heard me or not so I touched his arm, feeling his muscles flinch underneath my hand.

His muttering slowly ceased and his body stopped shaking as my Quirk took affect. He turned his head to look at me while avoiding my eyes.

"Thank you." He whispered.

I nodded, "I'm Haruto Abiko. My Quirk helps calm down people that I'm touching."

"Tamaki Amajiki." He didn't turn away from the wall.

"If you ever need to calm down then you can always come find me." I gave him a smile before nodding at the other two and going back to my seat.

I didn't pay attention to what was happening and I just kinda followed everyone and what they were doing. We went to one of the practice gyms and that's when I realized I really didn't know what was happening.

I nudged Uraraka. "Hey umm what are we doing?" 

"We're fighting Togata."

"Uh who's Togata?"

"Wasn't you paying attention? He's one of the Big 3 and he wants all of us to fight him. I don't see how he's going to fight all of us." She shrugged before going back to paying attention to the blond boy.

I looked over to see Amajiki with his forehead against one of the rocks near Mr. Aizawa. Todoroki also stood over there and I joined, watching them.

Todoroki made little conversation with Mr. Aizawa as we watched most of the class take on one man. Who kept loosing his pants. Amajiki would mumble occasionally, never moving from the rock.

"He's good. How long did it take for him to use his Quirk like that?" I asked Amajiki as I joined his side.

"It's taken him forever to be that good with a lot of hard dedication and practice. He wasn't just born naturally talented. Why can't they seem to get that?" He mumbled the last part, watching my class from the corner of his eyes.

"And what about you? Did you two practice together a lot?" I was curious of his answer.

"Yes. I've always looked up to him, wanting to be good like him. I still don't feel like I am." I could tell by his tone that he deeply revered Togata.

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