Connor Stoll| Lollipop Pt.2

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I got an Iris message while helping Connor move weapons. His brother was with us too and almost every time I said something to Connor, Travis would give him a smile that I didn't like.

When I accepted, Hazel's face showed up. She looked grim, like something bad happened and my heart constricted in my chest, did something happen to Nico?

"Hazel? Is everything fine? Did something happen?"

She nodded, "Something did happen but I'd rather tell you that later. We got Nico back." She gave me a small smile and Nico appeared in the image. He was paler than usual and more gaunt. He looked like a living skeleton.

Tears sprung into my eyes, "Nico! I've missed you so much." I wanted to hug him but I couldn't, "Are you okay? Where are you? I'll come if you need me to."

He managed to give me a smile, "I'm fine Ana. I don't need you to come, Hazel's been taking care of me. I've missed you too." He suddenly looked ill and stumbled from the picture.

Hazel showed back up, "I'm sorry but I need to go. The Romans are in New York, be prepared." She slashed a hand through the image, breaking the connection.

I turned to Connor with tears running down my face, "He's alive. My brother's okay." I smiled and wrapped my arms around him, hugging him.

"Oh, uh, that's good, right?" He asked as he hesitantly placed his hands on my back.

I nodded, my face rubbing against his shirt, "He's alive."

There was a cough and I let go of Connor to see Will. I frowned slightly, "What do you want?"

He looked alarmed, "Are you crying? What happened?"

I wiped my cheeks, "They found Nico. He's still alive."

Will sighed in relief, "I thought Connor did something to you. That's great. Where are they exactly?"

My frown deepened, "I don't know. Hazel didn't say."
It was getting closer to August and no word about the quest to stop Gaea. The last Iris message any of us got from them was from Coach Hedge to his wife, Mellie, saying that him, Nico, and Reyna was coming back with the Athena Parthenos.

We had a war council today. It wasn't looking good, to put it bluntly. We were surrounded on three sides mainland and surrounded from the air. We only had control of the beach and water. Clarisse was right, camp morale was low.

I placed my chair next to Connor who stood at the refreshments, stuffing his face with Easy Cheese as he disagreed with Clarisse. He was uncharacteristically serious. I grabbed a napkin and held it up to him for him to wipe the cheese from his mouth which he took with a quiet thanks.

The past couple of weeks had been rough, gathering weapons, frequent war councils, training, shoring up defenses against an enemy who's temporary camp was defended better then our permanent camp. I couldn't help but slightly agree with Clarisse even though I knew we should wait. I believed that Reyna, Nico, and Coach Hedge would make it before it came to attacking. The fate of our camps rested with them.

When the council was over Chiron called to me. Will and Connor both turned to look at me but I waved them on out before turning back to Chiron, "Yes?"

"If the battle happens, when it happens," he seemed to age ten years just by saying that, "will you be ready?"

I nodded, "I've been saving my energy. I'll be ready when the time comes Chiron. Trust me."

He nodded, a hard, sad glint in his eyes that I didn't like seeing. Chiron didn't like this either. His home, his students were in danger. He felt despair. He had no hope.

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