Toshinori Yagi "All Might"| Corner Store

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Dia: She trained to become a hero at UA but after graduating she bought a store to piss off her parents. She doesn't dislike heroes but she also doesn't really like them either. She's easy to get along with.

Quirk: Flame. Her Quirk is similar to pro hero Endeavor's. Although she can control her's more precisely then what he can. Sometimes when she's nervous she starts smoking.

Age: 28
I looked up as the doors to the store I work in opened, a tall, scrawny man walking in. He wore baggy clothes, a white shirt and green cargo pants held up by a belt with a symbol on it that I thought was familiar. His face was so sunken that his eyes was shadowed but I could still see the blueness of them. He almost looked homeless.

He looked over at me, almost as if he was reading my mind and I sent him a smile which he didn't return as he went off, stalking down an aisle.

I blew air out, blowing my hair out of my face, there was no need for him to be rude. It's not as if I said anything to his face. Besides he wasn't that bad looking, just that he looked a little rough.

The doors slid open again, a young man walking in. He looked ordinary, nothing striking out to me. He sent me a smile which I returned before he went down the same aisle as the blond homeless man.

I sighed, tapping my fingers against the counter as I waited for one of them to be finished or for someone else to come in.

There was a slight grunt before I saw the blond man coming out from one of the aisles, holding two things of pop and a bag of chips. He was taking his time getting to me, his pants making a slight swishing sound as he walked.

There was a cough and I tore my gaze from him to see the other man in front of me, a candy bar placed on the counter.

I gave him an apologetic smile, "I'm so sorry, is that all for you?"

He gave me a smile, showing off his teeth, "Yes although you could give me your number." He wiggled his eyebrows.

I looked away as I laughed, tallying up his total, "I'm sorry but I'm not interested." I told him what he owed me and as I reached out to get his money he grabbed my wrist.

"What do you mean you're not interested?"

I jerked my wrist from his grip, "It means I'm not interested." I gave him his change. "Now go."

"Not until I have your number." He looked like he was getting mad, obviously not used to being rejected.

"She said she's not interested." A deep voice, slightly rough said and the man turned to see the blond man.

"Stay out of this." The man hissed.

I glared at him, "Leave before I call the cops. Or someone shows up that you don't want to." I held up a finger, a small flame bursting on top of it. "I wouldn't want anyone getting hurt."

The man narrowed his eyes at me before grabbing his candy bar, letting out a 'tch' as he glanced at the blond man and finally leaving.

The blond man stepped up, placing his pop and chips on the counter as I gave him a smile, "Thanks for your help."

He just let out a grunt, his face never leaving its scowling state and my smile faltered. Blood started dripping down from the corner of his mouth, "Oh you're bleeding, here let me get a napkin." I reached over to get one but he stopped me.

"There's no need." He said gruffly before wiping the blood off with the back of his hand. He grabbed his bag and left, the doors sliding behind him. I frowned, wondering who he is.
It was a couple days later when I saw him again, wearing baggy pants again along with a baggy, blue polo. His blond hair was spiky in the back with two long pieces hanging in front of his face. He still looked grumpy.

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