Newt| Alone

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The girl with the dark hair gasped as she woke up. She was confused, she didn't know where she was and what made her panic was that she couldn't remember her name. She couldn't remember hardly anything.

She tried standing up but whatever she was in wasn't standing still, it was moving with a grinding sound that made her ears hurt. So she stayed where she was, leaning against what felt like boxes and tried to calm her breathing.

What is this? Where am I? Where am I going? Is this a box? She looked around in whatever dim light there was and could see the outlines of what looked like boxes and then maybe walls? Grey walls? Am I in a box?

She crawled around, feeling of everything she could get her hands on. I'm definitely in a box with more boxes. She couldn't see well enough to open the little boxes so she sat down again, pressing her back against one of the walls and hoped that wherever she was going would be nice.
She jolted awake and looked around crazily, trying to figure out what had awoken her. It was the box. The box had stopped moving.

She scrambled to stand up whenever she heard voices and felt around for anything that could've been used has a weapon but she didn't find any. There was another screeching sound before the box was filled with light that made the girl's eyes water as she tried to look around.

"Bloody hell, is that a girl?"

"Doesn't look like a guy does it?"

"Shut up shank."

The girl shrank back at their harsh voices, wanting to stay in the box and leave to somewhere else.

"Hey Greenie, do you know your name?" This voice sounded different. It had an accent and was soft. She felt she could trust this one.

"N-no." At her voice almost everyone started laughing and one even mocked her which made her regret speaking.

"Shut it." The soft voice said harshly before a boy shouldered his way to the front. The girl blinked a couple times to see him better. He was blond with a noticeable limp. He bent down and reached a hand towards the girl. She tried to back away but couldn't, already as far away as she could get. "Hey now Greenie, it's okay. We're not going to hurt you."

The girl's eyes took everything about him in, his dirty white shirt, the way his muscles strained as he kept himself from falling in the box, the way his mouth seemed ready to shift into a smile, the dagger attached to his belt that might be useful. She took a few tentative steps towards him before grasping his hand and let him pull her out of the box.

"See that wasn't so bad- hey! Stop the bloody Greenie!" The girl had taken off, running past all the guys that laughed at her.

She didn't know where she was going but she trusted her legs to carry her. Her eyes scanned her surroundings as she ran. Her best bet seemed to be the big grey walls with an opening between them. So she ran towards them.

"Stop her!" She heard the pounding of multiple feet behind her and ran faster.

She was almost to the opening whenever the was a grounding noise and the ground began to shake beneath her as the opening grew smaller. She veered right, running alongside the wall into a grove of trees. She looked around wildly before grabbing a branch and lifting herself into a tree, climbing as high as she could.

"Where'd she go?" There was a group of guys underneath the tree the girl was in.

"I could've swore she ran in here."

"Everyone split up, search the areas. She'll show up eventually." The blond spoke before giving everyone somewhere to look.

When everyone had split up and only the blond was left he looked up, "You can come down now. You should be glad that most of those shanks are oblivious."

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