Shoto Todoroki| Sleepover

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Suzuki: A shy girl who has a crush on a shy boy. Match made in Heaven. Has three brothers.

Quirk: Unknown

Age: 15
I paused outside of Midoriya's dorm room, hoping he would be there to give me some advice. I knocked on his door, waiting for him to answer whenever he yelled to come in.

Whenever I walked into his fanboy room my heart stopped. It was the Dekusquad all in their pajamas, watching Iida play a video game. "Um did I come at a bad time? 'Cause I can go...?" I pointed to the door, ready to leave if I must.

"No, no it's fine. Did you need something Suzuki?" Midoriya looked up, his messy green hair falling in his eyes.

"Oh uh I wanted to ask you something but it can wait until later. I don't want to disturb y'all." I looked over at Todoroki who was staring at me with his usual blank face. He doesn't show a lot of emotions.

"No it's fine." He held up a box of chocolate Pocky, "Want some?"

"Um sure?" I hesitantly treaded across his carpet, grabbing one of the Pocky.

Uraraka grabbed a handful of popcorn as Iida concentrated on the tv as his fingers flew over the buttons of the controller.

"You can sit on the bed if you want. Todoroki won't mind I'm sure." Midoriya waved his hand, gesturing to the bi colored boy.

I looked to Todoroki, silently asking if he was alright with it and he scooted over, making room for me on the bed. I sat down above Midoriya, cross legged and he held the box of Pocky up to me again. "You can have them, we have more snacks if you want them."

"Oh thanks." I watched the tv screen. They were playing Mario Kart. I looked over at Todoroki, holding out the candy, "Want one?"

"Sure." His voice was soft as he grabbed one.

I laid the box down between us before I started messing with Midoriya's hair. He leaned back, my hands running through his hair, "So what did you want to ask me?"

"O-oh." My face heated up as I thought about why I came here in the first place. "I-it's stupid so I won't ask."

"Mmhm. I'm sure it's not stupid."

Uraraka perked up, "Does it involve a boy?"

My face turned a deeper red. "N-no?"

She squealed, turning around. "Oh my god, who is it?"

"I-it's no one." I looked away, "He would never think about dating me so it doesn't matter." I muttered.


My body tensed up at Todoroki's low voice. "W-why? Well I just don't think he likes me like that."

"You'll never know unless you ask." Uraraka said, "C'mon, tell us who it is. Is he in our class? General Studies? An upper year?"

"H-he's in our class." I muttered.

Uraraka squealed again, bumping into Iida who ran into a banana peel, causing him to loose first place as cars sped past him. "Who is it? Is it Kaminari? Bakugou? Ojiro? Shoji?" She gasped, "Oh my god it's Midoriya!"

"N-no! It's not Midoriya." I looked down at him, "No offense Midoriya, you're adorable." I patted his head.

"Then who is it?" She looked at me expectantly.

"I-I would rather not say."

She pouted, "And here I was hoping to play match maker."

"What about you Uraraka? Got any special boy?" I gave her a small smile as I started braiding tiny braids in Midoriya's hair.

"No..." her normally pink cheeks turned an even darker shade and I laughed a little, not going to bother her anymore about it.

"What about you Midoriya? You like anybody?"

"Wha-what? No! I-I don't." He became easily flustered, trying to hide his face from us and I laughed again.

"Okay. What about you Iida?"

"I don't have time for such things." He stuck his tongue out the side of his mouth as he tried to get in first place.

"Fair enough Iida. Although I do know a lot of very smart girls in General Studies that I know you'd get along with." I looked at Todoroki, "And you Todoroki? Anyone caught your eye?"

I waited with bated breath and he gave a small nod. "Yes there has been one girl."

I blinked and I could feel my heart shatter into tiny pieces. "Really? Who?"

"Ah I probably shouldn't say. I think she likes someone else."

I frowned a little, "Well whoever it is would be crazy to not like you back. You're so nice and sweet. And smart." I looked away, a blush coming back to my cheeks, "And you're really handsome."

It was silent and I peeked over to Todoroki who was just staring at me. "Ah sorry, I said to much. Sometimes I do that and I start rambling. My brothers think that should be my actual Quirk, rambling." My eyes widened and I looked down, "I'm doing it again, aren't I?"

"It's... cute."

I blinked, snapping my head up to Todoroki and let out a little laugh, "Not according to my brothers. The assholes." I muttered. "Hey Iida, can I play next?"
I yawned as I watched Uraraka play, slightly shivering in my pajamas. I felt a warm hand on my arm and looked down to Todoroki look up at me from where he was laying on Midoriya's bed. "Are you cold?" He whispered.

I nodded, "A little bit."

He pulled me down beside him, pulling me into his left side. Which was really, really warm. "Is that better?"

I nodded, my face laying on his chest as it moved gently up and down, listening to the beating of his heart. I closed my eyes and snuggled closer into him, resting one arm over his stomach as I tried to control my racing heart. "So who is she?"

I opened my eyes, looking up at Todoroki. "You."

I blinked, "Really?"


I took my arm that was across his stomach and reached for his hand, intwining our fingers together. "I like you too."

He hummed, his chest vibrating from it and I smiled as I settled back, closing my eyes and allowing him to lull me to sleep.

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