Fred Weasley| Sweet Disposition

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A Moment
I looked up from underneath my eyelashes as I tried to read in the library. There was a commotion and I saw the source of it being two redheads and a brunette with dreadlocks. I rolled my eyes and tried to continue reading but the commotion kept up.

I slammed my book shut as they continued, my eyes meeting one of the redheads eyes. His slightly widened as I passed by him and I heard a voice call out, "Fred? What're you staring at?"

It was one moment but I knew I would never forget those eyes.

A Love
"Oh sorry love, I didn't see you there."

I shrunk back from whoever was passing by before glancing at them. I stifled a gasp as I recognized his eyes. It was the redhead from the library. Well at least one of them.

"You. You're the boy from the library. The one who glared at us." His dark eyes flashed with amusement as a smile tugged on his lips.

"I-I'm sorry." I was about to bolt when the redhead laughed.

"There's nothing to be sorry for love, we were being quite noisy. I'm Fred Weasley." He held out his pale, freckled hand.

His palm was rough against mine, "Alex Bentley." I muttered.

"Well I must go. See you later love." He gave me a crooked smile before heading down the hallway.

A Dream
I huffed as I ran down what seemed like a never ending hallway. I could see the end, a bright light that seemed to get farther away instead of closer despite my straining muscles as it felt like I was running through Jell-O. I don't know why I needed to get to that light but there was an urgency about me that told me I needed to get there and get there quick lest the thing get me.

I held my hand out, about to touch the brightness when I felt something slither around my ankle, pulling me down.

"No! No!" I clawed at the floor as I tried to get away from the thing that kept dragging me back. "No!"

I bolted up in my bed, my chest heaving as sweat ran down the sides of my face. I sighed as I ran a hand across my forehead, it slick with sweat that plastered my hair against my face. It was just a dream, nothing's after me.

I threw my bed covers off of me, the cool night air welcome as I shivered in my pajama pants and an old Bulgaria Quidditch shirt. I slipped out of the Ravenclaw common room, careful to not get caught out of bed as I journeyed across the castle to the kitchens.

I was almost there whenever I heard hushed whispers. I tensed up, hiding in the shadows as two familiar redheads came around the corner.

"So when do you think the swamp will be ready- oh hello love." Fred's eyes met mine as I stepped out of the shadows. His eyes traveled down to my shirt where he frowned, "And here I was hoping we would be great friends."

I crossed my arms over my Bulgaria shirt, "Were you guys talking about a swamp?"

"Oh yeah. Me and Georgie are creating a port- ow!" The other redhead, Georgie, elbowed Fred sharply in the ribs.

"Don't tell him, it'll ruin the secret." Georgie hissed.

"Fine." Fred gave me a smile, "Sorry love but that's top secret information."

"T-that's fine. I'll just... go." I slipped past them, finally getting to the kitchens.

A Laugh
I looked up from my table in the library as a shadow fell over me. Fred Weasley gave me one of his crooked grins. "Hello love."

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