Yuma Isogai| Never Give Up

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I looked up at the tall, four story building that was supposed to be my school. Key words: supposed to be. I had to beg my father to let me go to France for my education just so I wouldn't have to be here. But my time was up in France and it was time for me to go to Kunugigaoka Junior High.

I sighed, trying to fix my wind blown hair as I entered the school. No one here knew me, they probably knew of me but they have never met me which would make things easier for me. This is what I wanted. To not be known.

"Father." I slid the door open, my father sitting at his desk, surrounded by the trophies and awards that he's been awarded for being the founder and headmaster of one of the most prestigious academies in Tokyo, Japan.

"We've talked about this Homare," my father, who has the same eyes as me, smiled at me but it gave me chills. Anything he does gives me chills. Even though I'm his own child, I'm pretty sure he would still try to screw me over if I ever did something that got in his way. "It's Principal Asano to you."

I blinked before bowing. "Of course. Forgive me, Principal Asano."

His smiled widened. "Good. What can I do for you Homare? Shouldn't you be in class by now? You don't want to be late on your first day in Class A." His voice sent chills down your spine and over your body, as if there was a bug crawling around your body. Like a centipede.

"Of course not." I started to idly walk around his office, examining his sparkly trophies. I was scared of my own father, but I wasn't afraid to do what I wanted. He had refused my request to be in Class 3-E. I knew all about Class 3-E, the End Class. That's where I wanted to be, so no one would know I was the headmaster's daughter. If I was in Class 3-A then everyone in the entire school would know by the end of the day, especially after seeing me next to my brother.

"It seems you've gotten even more awards since the last time I've been in here." I slid my finger along the shelf. There wasn't even a speck of dust on the shelf. Neat and shiny. Just like everything my father wants in life.

"Of course. This is one of the top school's in Tokyo." My father's chest puffed out slightly, unconsciously. He would never boast on purpose. He was supposed to be a humble headmaster of a private academy. He had a reputation to protect. "What's the meaning of this Homare?"

"Oh nothing father. I just wanted to spend some time with you before class." My finger slipped behind a glass plaque, catching the corner of it and sending it to the floor with a crash. My eyes widened as I stumbled back. "Oh no, I'm so sorry." I crouched, trying to sweep the shards of glass together as I tried to keep my act from falling apart.

"Ouch." I muttered, knicking my hand on a particularly sharp piece before shuddering at a dark presence that hovered above me. "F-father?" I stuttered as I looked up, my father towering over me.
"Class we have a new student joining us!" The big yellow creature stood next to me with a grin on his face. "Welcome Homare As-"

"Homare, it's just Homare." I cut the creature off, flexing my hand that had a bandage wrapped around where I had cut it that morning. It hadn't taken a lot to finally convince father to send me to Class 3-E. Just one broken plaque.

"O-okay, Homare then. Welcome to Class 3-E."

I glanced around the class. It hadn't taken long to brief me about the situation with the teacher of the classroom and the deal about assassinating him before the end of the school year. And I could tell that they weren't joking that this was an assassination classroom. The way these students held themselves was different from normal students. This class was filled with a palpable murderous intent that I felt I could reach out and touch.

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