Kazuichi "Pin" Arai| Kiss Me, Idiot

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I frowned as I heard voices from my younger brother's room. How many people did Ryu have over? I wasn't used to him having more than one person over at a time. And honestly, I didn't think he had more than two friends, Shota and Chizuru.

"Ryu!" I slid the door open, wanting to know what was so important that there was... four people over. Four people... awww, my baby brother does have friends.

"What?" Ryu sighed as he looked up from his bed.

"Oh my... you do have friends Ryu!" I couldn't help but laugh, Chizu joining me in my laughter. Ryu didn't say anything back as he laid back down.

"Hey Hana." Shota said as he scooted over, letting me join him and Chizu with their friends.

I could recognize Yano, one of Chizu's friends but I couldn't place who the third girl was. A new girl?

"Hey, I'm Hana, Ryu's older sister." I gave the new girl a smile, trying to put her at ease. She seemed a little uncomfortable here, based on how stiffly she was sitting.

I gave my brother a lot of shit for being an airhead with barely any friends but it was nice seeing him with people that wasn't the baseball team.

"I-I'm Sawako Kuronuma!" She didn't seem like she talks to a lot of people. I couldn't help but laugh a little at her mannerisms. She was adorable.

"I didn't know my brother surrounded himself with such cute girls. It's like you have your own harem." I grinned as I looked back at my brother who ignored me.

The new girl, Kuronuma, blushed at the mention of being in a harem and I could tell that this was a fun group of kids. It kinda made me miss my own high school days. I don't even remember the last time I talked to my old friends.

I leaned back as I listened to all of them talk while me and Ryu stayed silent. It was nice watching them. And I couldn't help but notice the way Shota kept glancing at Kuronuma. He obviously had a crush on the girl. He was not doing very well at hiding. But Kuronuma didn't even seem to notice. Oof.

There was thumps before the door slid open and I couldn't help the groan that was released at the sight of Pin. If there was someone who was stuck in their high school days, it was Pin. He lived vicariously through Ryu and Shota as he taught at their high school.

He immediately started goading and annoying the kids, except for Kuronuma, by saying whatever shit popped into his mind.

He had always been like this. I grew up around him so I felt like I knew him the best, even better than Ryu or Shota. But god was he annoying.

"Hey." I stood up. I wasn't tall, by any means. You would think with my dad and brothers being tall that I would be tall too but I drew the short end of the stick when it came to height. So it made it look like Pin towered over me when I stood in front of him. "Isn't it time for you to go back to your sad excuse of an apartment? Stop bothering the kids."

"Eh? What was that? Did I hear something from a midget?"

I wanted to smack that smirk of his face. "Call me a midget one more time Pin and we'll see what happens."

He laughed. "Ooh look, the midget's trying to be intimidating."

I didn't hesitate in kicking one of his knees, making him let out a little squeal as he tried to keep me from kicking him. He made a mistake of leaning over to cover his knees because I grabbed his ear, pinching it as I drug him away from Ryu's room.

"Why do you feel like you gotta bother these kids? They would be just fine without you bothering them all the time." I muttered.

Pin couldn't say anything except ow, ow, ow, ow, ow as I drug him out of the house.

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