Karma Akabane| And They Were Roommates

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Karma Akabane was a menace to society.

Or at least, he was a menace to me.

Being roommates with him was the worst. I really shouldn't complain since he's letting me live here for free. But after all the teasing, the jump scares, and the knife fights, I think I deserve to complain. Just a little bit.

I can't complain about the job he helped me land, however. It was perfect. And, sometimes, I was able to work from our apartment. Which was perfect since he had to go in for his job everyday.

We had a nice routine going. One night I would fix dinner and then next night he would fix dinner. We always ate together but after that, we would do our own thing. If it wasn't for our dinners together, we probably could go days without seeing each other.
"Hey Karma!" I called out as I stood in front of our empty fridge. It seems neither of us have been out shopping lately. "Karma!"

I frowned as no one answered me. Karma was home, he was always home at this time.

"Karma?" I wondered throughout his apartment, trying to find him.

"Karma...?" I paused in front of his bedroom. I hadn't been back in here the day he asked me to become his roommate. It had truthfully felt forbidden... my face flushed warm, something I'm not used to.

I scrambled back as far as I could as I heard footsteps coming towards the door a second before the door creaked open, Karma's head popping out. His golden eyes widened for a second as he spotted me before splitting into Karma's natural smug face.

"What a pleasure it is seeing you here, Anya."

I rolled my eyes. "We're out of fresh food Karma. We need to go shopping."

"You sound like a nagging wife right now."

"Well I wouldn't have to nag if you would go shopping when I ask."

He sighed as he stretched, "Is this what we're gonna be like when we're old?"

"Yes. I'll meet you after work tomorrow so we can go to the market. Don't make me wait Akabane."
I looked around, trying to spot Karma in the crowd. It shouldn't be hard, considering how tall he is and how bright his hair is. But here I am, standing on my tiptoes, trying to find my roommate in the rush of people leaving work.

"Hey." A hand grabbed my wrist and I didn't think as I grabbed their wrist, twisting their arm as I jerked my arm from their grip and pinning their arm behind their back.

"Ouch. First you make me wait and now you're assaulting me. You're a terrible wife Anya." Karma looked at me over his shoulder, his smirk on his face telling me he was fine.

"We're roommates." I muttered as I let him go.

"Same difference." He waved his hand before jerking his head towards the outside market. "Now c'mon before all the good produce is sold."

"C'mon before all the good produce is sold." I muttered, mimicking him in a false falsetto as I followed him.

"I heard that."


As we entered the market, a woman walked by me swiftly, a phone held to her ear. "-and they were roommates."

"Oh my god, they were roommates." I muttered and I heard Karma laugh.

I followed Karma throughout the market, occasionally telling him to get something but mainly letting him pick out whatever he wanted.

"Ooh Karma, look at the pretty flowers." I smiled as I looked at all the different types of flowers. There were single wild flowers and roses and mixed bouquets. They were the most beautiful flowers I had ever seen. "Karma?"

I looked around, realizing I had lost Karma. I had to avoid huffing. I can't believe he would just walk off without me... actually I could believe it. This was typical Karma behavior.

"Excuse me."

I blinked at the high pitched voice before looking down where a little girl stood, looking up at me. She seemed familiar as her dark eyes popped from her pale skin.

"Can I help you? Are you lost?"

She smiled up at me as she shook her head. "Nope, I just wanted to tell you you're pretty just like my mommy."

I couldn't help but laugh at that. "Thank you. Here." I grabbed the prettiest flower I could find, a red spider lily and handed it to her. "I think you're pretty too, just like this spider lily."

Her pale cheeks blushed as she took the flower from me. "Thank you lady."

"You're welcome."

"Anya! Anya!"

I tensed as I heard my name called. Hardly anyone knew I was here besides Karma and that feminine voice definitely wasn't Karma.

"Oh that's my mom calling me. Bye pretty lady!" The little girl waved before she ran off towards a familiar couple who was standing some distance away.

My eyes widened as I stepped back, running into someone.

"Hey, it's okay." Karma whispered as he wrapped his arms around me.

Irina and Karasuma was watching us before focusing on their daughter who was showing them the spider lily I had just given her.

"Let's go home." Karma steered me away from them, gently guiding me towards the direction of our apartment.

I gripped Karma's hand that was on my shoulder. "They named their daughter Anya."

"It is a pretty name."

"Like Karma."

"You leave my name out of this."

I could feel myself relax a little as Karma distracted me and I relaxed my grip on his hand.

"Did you remember to buy strawberries?" I asked, looking up at Karma who's smirk fell.


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