Kisuke Urahara| Odd

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I glanced behind me, noticing the faint, blurry black spot that had been following me for a while. Sometimes, if I squinted hard enough, I could see the blurry outline of a person.

It had always been like this for me. One of my earliest memories was seeing the blurry blobs of darkness as I walked with my mother. When I tried pointing it out to her, she just grabbed my hand and told me that there was nothing there. Everyone I've ever pointed them out to said that there was nothing there so I stopped. There's no point in pointing something out when no one sees it too, especially when it earns you the reputation of being crazy.

Most of the blobs don't bother me but on occasion, one will follow me just like it is now. I normally just go into a store or somewhere crowded and lose it. But I wasn't exactly near a crowded place right now. The only store was a little candy store up ahead, two kids outside of it sweeping the dirt yard in front it.

I approached the candy store, knowing that once I stepped across the threshold, the blob would lose interest in me.

"Uh, oh, hello!" One of the children, a girl, bowed as I was about to enter the store.

"Hi." I gave her a smile before glancing at the blob as I stepped into the store.

The air immediately turned sweet. I felt like I was stepping into a wall of cotton candy with how sweet the air was.

"Can I help you?"

I looked up from the shelves of candy to see a very tall man with glasses. I blinked, his appearance surprising me. "O-oh, uh no. I'm just looking." I paused before nodding at the shelves, "I like how the candy is color coded."

The big man's face blushed as he smiled, "Really? Kisuki wanted me to put them in alphabetical order but I thought this way was better."

I smiled at his reaction. It could almost be called cute. "Color is more aesthetically pleasing than alphabetical order is."

"Well sorry for trying to make it easier for customers to find the candy they want." A voice said beside me and I jumped as I realized someone had snuck up beside me without me noticing. The voice belonged to another tall man, not as tall as the other one but still tall, with pale blond hair peaking out from underneath a green striped hat. His lips quirked up in a smile as he stared down at me, "I didn't mean to startle you."

"Ah, uh, um... i-it's fine." I could feel my face become warm as I stared at this man. I couldn't tell how old he is, he has a youthful face which contrasts to the stubble growing along his jaw. For all I know he could be in his fifties or something.

His smile widened. "Great! Do you have a favorite candy?"

"Oh, uh, no. Not really." I shook my head as I tried focusing on the colorful candy in front me instead of the man next to me.

"Might I suggest these then?" The man reached across me and I tensed as he leaned in close to grab what looked like a candy dispenser with a bunny on it.

He gave me a closed eyed smile as he held it out. "These are a bestseller, especially popular among young people."

I blinked before blushing once again as I took the bunny candy dispenser from him. "Thank you but uh, I'm not that young. Not anymore at least." I laughed a little.

"Oh? You're not in college? I thought for sure you were in college."

"No, I um, I'm almost thirty." I blinked, realizing how weird it must be for a thirty year old woman to be in a candy shop by herself.

There seemed to be almost a sparkle in the man's gray eyes as he looked down at me. "Really? What kind of skincare routine do you have? Think it would work on me?" He laughed as he rubbed his chin.

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