Yuji Itadori| I Like You*

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Warning: Language

I grumbled to myself as I made my way across the baseball field towards the people gathered. Of course my school would leave me behind in Kyoto, not offering to take me with them to the Goodwill Event.

"Fuckers." I muttered. I'm sure it was the old man's idea too and everyone just went along with it. They'll do anything he says. If he asked for them to die then they would do it with no questions. Most of them at least.

"Hey! Who is that? Is she even allowed to be here?!"

I ignored the girl who had shouted and made my way to the girl who was standing at home plate, her bat hanging limply in her grasp as she stared with wide eyes. "T-Tsukumo? What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to play baseball." I growled out, snatching the bat out of Miwa's hand. "Give me your helmet."

"You can't do that. You're not up to bat." Tokyo's pitcher, Maki Zenin, said as I got in position at home plate.

"Now I fucking am. Pitch the fucking ball!" I let out a practice swing before holding the bat above my shoulder, staring at the pitcher as she sighed.

There was a chuckle behind me. "Feisty as ever I see." Satoru Gojo was the one who told me about the Goodwill Event and told me to come, even if I was a day late. After hearing what happened on the first day, it made me even madder because I wasn't there to do anything. It made me feel useless.

Maki was good, a nice fast ball that was right in the strike zone. I poured my cursed energy into the bat and my hands, slamming it against the ball. A clang echoed throughout the field as the ball was sent out and I looked down to see a dent where the ball hit the bat. I wouldn't be surprised if the ball was busted too.

"A home run. Nice one Tsukumo!" Gojo said behind me and I looked up at him. I stood about a foot and three inches below him which made me look like a hobbit compared to him.

"Woah! I wasn't expecting someone so tiny to hit so hard!" My eyes flickered down to the catcher and he looked up at me, his light brown eyes innocent as he looked at me. It went at odds with the cursed energy I could feel coursing through him. It seemed... familiar somehow but I know I had never met this boy before.

I frowned, "What the fuck are you looking at?"

He blinked in surprise before averting his eyes, "S-sorry."

I let out a huff as I rolled my eyes before starting to slowly jog around all the bases to get my home run in as Miwa came back up to bat. I made eye contact with the catcher again, his eyes quickly averting once again as his energy from earlier seemed dim.

"Zenin." I nodded to Maki's twin sister, Mai and she barely acknowledged that I said anything.

"Tsukumo! That was a hit to be proud of." Todo greeted me and I gave him a smile.

"Thanks Todo."

"So what're you doing here?" I had just sat on the bench in the dugout when Mai joined me.

"Gojo told me to come. It's not like any of you were going to tell me." I frowned, wondering how they had managed to keep it a secret from me this entire time.

"We had a good reason."

I quirked an eyebrow as I looked up at her, "And what reason would that be?"

She seemed hesitant which was unlike her. "We'll talk about it later."

I rolled my eyes, focusing my attention back on the baseball game. "Whatever."
I frowned as I stared at the cans in the vending machine, so many choices yet I only had enough money for one.

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