Hitoshi Shinso| Purr

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Nozomi Haru: She has a hard time making friends and hates when Denki tries to touch her tail.

Quirk: Black Cat. She can morph into a black cat at will and when she's in her human form she still retains the ears and tail. She can do whatever a cat does.

Age: 16
I lazily messed with the soft, black ears on the top of my head, bored as we waited for Mr. Aizawa's special guest for our joint training with class 1-B. My tail swished back of forth behind me, the only sign that I'm slightly anxious.

"Denki I swear if you try to touch my tail one more time I will claw your eyes out." I growled out, hearing his familiar footsteps approach me.

"Aw come on Haru, Ojiro lets me pet his tail." Kaminari whined.

"Well I'm not Ojiro, am I?" I whirled around on him, "Don't forget the last time you touched my tail without my permission."

His eyes slightly widened before he held up his hands, "Alright, alright. There's no need to get the claws out again. I'm sorry."

There was a cough and I turned around to see Mr. Aizawa. "Alright so we have a guest joining us for our joint training today, Hitoshi Shinso."

There was muttering throughout the two classes as a familiar boy joined us. I remember Shinso from the Sports Festival and then the School Festival, he was the guy that fell from the ceiling in the haunted house. My tail flicked behind me as I watched him. He had new gear, a mask that covered the lower half of his face. Probably something to do with his Brainwashing Quirk.

My ears moved on my head as Mr. Aizawa told us how the training was going to work. I was hoping I wouldn't have to be a part of a team. I hate teamwork.

We drew lots to see who would be with which team with Shinso drawing twice, one for class 1-A and one for class 1-B. I was a part of the first team along with Shinso. Tsu asked him about his unusual Brainwashing Quirk as I followed my team, my tail swishing behind me.

"I can only brainwash one person at a time and they can be released if they receive enough shock." He gestured to the mask covering his lower face, "This can change my voice so people who know about my Quirk will be caught off guard. They're called Artificial Vocal Cords."

I flicked my ears, enjoying the tone of his low voice before an alarm sounded, signaling the match beginning.

"Great," I caught up to my team, "we didn't get enough time to strategize." My ears flicked, picking up the sounds of the other team's footsteps. "They're close."

I sniffed the air cautiously, smelling the other team. Three seemed to be hidden with one out in the open. "They want to ambush us. Do you want to go along with it or not?" I looked to Tsu to see what she thinks.

"Scout ahead, see which positions they're in."

I nodded before transforming fully into my Quirk, Black Cat. I melded into the shadows, my paws silent against the concrete. It wasn't long before I saw Ibara out in the open with her teammates above, planning to jump us. I went back just as silently as I came.

"Ibara is out in the open, bait, and her teammates are above, planning on jumping us as we come to get her." I transformed back into my half human state and waited, my tail moving behind me for Tsu's decision.

"We should split up." Kaminari said.

Kirishima shook his head, "No, that would leave us vulnerable. Strength in numbers."

"Which is exactly what they're doing, planning on overwhelming us with their numbers. And the longer we take to plan, the sooner they'll come looking for us. We need a plan." I said, looking at them.

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