Fred x Hermione| Jealous

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Hermione walked down into the common room, knowing that she would see something she wouldn't like but not stopping either. She needed to leave, needed to get out of that stuffy old tower where everywhere she turned, she saw them. They were always snogging. It surprised her that they had any lips left to snog with.

Just as she thought, there was Ron and Lavender, snogging on the couch much to the horror of several first and second years.

Hermione just rolled her eyes and left through the portrait hole, trying to make her steps seem less angry then what they actually were. She just couldn't understand why Lavender? Why the girl who believed in Divination and barely batted an eye at Ron before he was a 'big quidditch player' now? She gave a huff of frustration that she would've never let anyone hear lest they know that she doesn't actually have everything under control and that some things can ruffle her feathers.

Of course there just so happened to be two people who had heard her frustration and smirked as they approached her.

"What's up Granger? Something got under your skin?" George Weasley asked.

Hermione turned around quickly, "Fred. George. What're you doing here?"

George's smirk turned into a grin, "Just visiting Hogwarts. To see if we're still legends and whatnot."

Fred elbowed him before looking down at Hermione, "We're here to see Dumbledore. But anyways, you seem tense. A little angry. Doesn't have anything to do with our little brother does it?"

Hermione groaned before leaning into a wall, "He's constantly snogging her. They're never not snogging. They literally do it 24/7. They never stop. And they don't care who's around while they do it. Hell, I bet they even dream of snogging each other." She let out a sigh after she finally got that off her chest, "Can't they just cut it out for one second? To give the rest of us a break?"

George raised an eyebrow, "Why it sounds like our precious Granger is jealous. I always knew that Ron was the jealous one but I never thought that Hermione was too."

"Oh shove off. If you had to see them snogging everyday then you'd be a little angry too."

George's smirk returned, "You know," he said slowly, "you could always try to make him jealous. Or mad. It'll be easy."

Hermione snorted which wasn't as pretty as most people would think, "Make Ronald jealous? I could be holding the hand of Viktor Krum right now and he wouldn't care. He wouldn't even notice."

"Get spiders then." George shrugged, "Maybe that'll terrify him back into his wits." He checked his watch, "We must be off Freddie, can't keep Dumbledore waiting."

Fred nodded, "Okay Georgie." He looked down at Hermione with a soft smile, "I'm sorry about Ron. He's always been a little git who doesn't know what's good for him. Just give him some time."

Hermione nodded, planning on going outside to escape the confines of Hogwarts, "Time. Why must everything require time?"

Fred laughed, "I don't know. You're the brilliant one 'Mione, you're the one who should know." He started down the corridor before stopping and turning towards Hermione, "You know, if you need to talk to someone about this. Or about anything really, just owl me. I'll be sure to respond."

Fred had always been the nicer twin. George was nice as well but he would've never thought to offer Hermione to owl him with her problems. But Fred did. And that's why Hermione liked him the best.

She smiled, thinking she might just take him up on his offer, "Thanks Fred. I'll think about it." And then he was gone, leaving Hermione in her semi- angry, semi- jealous, semi- confused state of being. But she just shrugged it off, opting to go out to the Great Lake and watch the giant squid eat food that the students throw out to it.
Harry frowned at the girl with bushy hair, "You're taking Cormac McLaggen to Professor Slughorn's party?

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