Gaara| Abused*

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[Modern AU]
Warning: this story contains sexual violence and language.

I yawned as I stopped in the cafeteria, "And this is where we stop to eat prison slop everyday in our prison lives." I turned to the black haired girl I was showing around, an exchange student named Hinata Hyūga, "Any questions Hyūga?"

I was once again amazed at her eyes, a grey with a slight purple tint, the same color as her cousin, Neji's. She shook her head, blushing, "Uh c- can I sit with you?"

I nodded, giving her a smile, "Sure. You'll love everyone."

She followed me to a table where everyone was, "Everyone, I want you to meet Hinata Hyūga. Her cousin is Neji and just know, if you guys hurt her, I will kill you."

Naruto was the first to make a move, "Hi, I'm Naruto Uzumaki!"

"H- Hinata." She said, her face going even redder then before.

I laughed and sat down, patting the spot next to me, "Now, most of the people here are fine but there's some people you should avoid." I pointed at a table where there was a bunch of people, "They're known as the Akatsuki. I wouldn't get caught up with them." I pointed to another table where three people were sitting, a girl and two boys, "That's Temari, the brown haired boy is Kankuro and the ginger is Gaara. They're known as the Sand Siblings. They came from the desert and I've heard that there was some shady business that went down before they came here. But other than them you should be fine."

"Hey were you talking about my Gaara?! There's nothing wrong with him!" Naruto basically yelled and I rolled my eyes.

"Naruto, you are literally the only one who can talk to Gaara besides his siblings. They would eat someone as sweet as Hinata up."

Naruto looked like he was about to argue until Sakura smacked the back of his head, "Sit down you moron!"

"Oww, Sakura- chan, that hurt."

I looked over at the Sand Siblings again, Gaara staring at me with his blank, teal eyes.
"Hey sis." Yahiko slung an arm around my shoulders.

I shrugged his arm off, "Don't call me that." I hissed.

"Oh right I forgot, you go by they and them now. Sorry."

"And I told you not to talk to me at school. I don't want to be associated with you."

"Ouch that hurts." He ruffled my black dyed hair, "Remember it's your turn to cook dinner tonight. Also Konan and Nagato will be there too."

"As long as Hidan isn't there, I'm fine with whoever shows up."

"He said he was sorry."

I rolled my eyes, "He didn't mean it."

"Okay you're right, he totally didn't mean it." He ruffled my hair again, "I'll see ya later."

I huffed and continued to my class, trying to ignore everyone that I could.

"H- hey." Hinata said, joining my side.

"Hey Hinata. We have the same class this period right?"

She nodded, "Who was that you were with?"

"Oh that's my annoying brother. Yahiko, he's like the leader of the Akatsuki along with his girlfriend Konan and their friend Nagato. I still wouldn't be friends with them Hinata. Especially Hidan. He's handsy. Don't be friends with him." I waved my hand, "Of course I can't really stop you if you did decide to be friends with them so it's up to you. I'd just highly advise against it."

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