Sasuke Uchiha| Siren*

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Warning: Some language and violence

Modern Present-2022
I closed my eyes, swaying to the beat that thrummed through the wood planks underneath my feet by hidden speakers. My dream is to one day be swaying to the beat played by instruments located behind me and not some reproduced sound that plays from speakers. There's nothing like hearing music played by instruments in real life.

"I heard that you're settled down
That you found a girl and you're married now," I sang lowly, not looking at the crowd as I did. I knew that if I looked, the spell for me would be broken even if it wasn't for the audience.

Ever since I was little I was singing. I sang for anyone who would listen. But it was around twelve years old when I noticed the look on their faces when I sang. It was like they were hypnotized as they watched me, a clouded look in their eyes. I hated seeing it so I sang with my eyes closed instead.

"Never mind, I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you, too
"Don't forget me, " I beg
I remember you said
"Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead"
"Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead""

There was a reason I chose this song for my last year of high school. I was singing to the world my problems. I was telling everyone of my heartache.

My boyfriend of almost four years broke up with me just the month before. I... I obviously wasn't over it. But it seemed he was. Which I knew if I opened my eyes right now, I'd see him sitting front row with his new girlfriend. I also knew that they would have that clouded look on their faces as they listened to me. So I didn't open my eyes.

""Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead"" I trailed off as the music died, sighing as I finally opened my eyes.

There was a moment before the audience started to clap and in that moment I could see tears glistening on so many of their faces. Including the new girlfriend's.

I gave a snort at that before turning away, disappearing into the curtain behind me. I didn't want to see them and I sure as hell didn't want to see her crying after hearing me sing.

There was a chorus back stage of "you did greats" and "you were amazings." Most of them were crying too.

I tried giving them a smile before rushing into a little hallway that led from the auditorium stage to the main hallway of the conjoined high school and middle school. There was no one here and it was dim. A perfect place to cry.
I was still upset, hours after the talent show ended, hours after school was over. I'm so close to graduating, so close being able to get out of this town and not look back. That's all I want.

My friends tried cheering me up by taking me out to eat after my victory in the talent show but everything felt tainted. I couldn't get my ex and his girlfriend out of my head. He had absolutely no right looking as upset as he did after my song. She had no right to be crying when I was singing about her boyfriend, the one she stole from me.

"Ahhhhhh!" I let out a scream as I drove. It was dark out and I felt like I should pull over and get out to scream into the dark void of the night. But I didn't. I was half way content screaming in my dark car where no one would see or hear it.

"Oh my god." I sobbed out and I realized I was crying again. This had to be the fifth time in the last hour. "What am I doing?" I whispered as I continued to cry.

I reached over, patting the passenger seat to see if I could feel either my tissues or any stray napkins. I should have some.

I glanced over, leaning farther to get my tissues I could see in the dim lights coming from my dash.

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