Armin Arlert| His Brightness

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As a child I wasn't self conscious. I knew that I was heavier then other kids but I didn't think too much about it. My parents just said that I had big bones and that was that. So at age nine, I wasn't too concerned about how big I was. It made it easy to defend my friends from bullies because I could throw my weight around. To me, my weight was a blessing.
Year 845
I walked slowly through Shiganshina, not wanting to play with the neighbor kids but I also didn't want to stay home and waste a day this pretty. I sighed as I made my way near the river that ran through the district, carrying passengers and goods to transport between the walls and districts.

I heard a grunt and what sounded like someone being pushed against stone. There was giggles as I could hear thumps and I felt a pit that slowly formed in my stomach, slowly expanding as my rage grew. Someone was trying to fight someone who couldn't fight back. It sounded the same, no matter what part of the district you were in. Or what wall you were in.

I ran towards the sounds and I found three boys laughing as they kicked someone who was curled next to the wall.

"Hey! Leave him alone!"

The three boys turned to me before laughing. "Look!" One of them exclaimed, "Arlert's got a girlfriend!"

They seemed to find the thought hilarious. Another one slapped his thigh, "What's she gonna do? Beat us up?" That made them laugh even harder.

I rolled my eyes. It seemed they weren't going to take me seriously so I was just going to have to make them.

"I said," I started running to them, "to leave him alone!" I jumped on the middle one, taking him down easily. I rolled off of him, going to the next one who tried to push me. It didn't do much damage since I just stumbled a little.

His eyes widened as I swung at him, my knuckles connecting with his face nicely. It even made my hand throb a little. I turned to face the last one left and he held his hands up as he backed away.

"I-I..." he turned and fled, his buddies following him.

I waited until I couldn't hear their footsteps anymore before turning to the boy who they had been beating on. "Hey, are you okay?"

The boy lifted his head, his blond hair moving from his face which was scratched and bruised. "Y-yeah."

I gave him a smile and held a hand out to him, "Here, let me help you up."

His hand was soft and warm in mine as I pulled him up. It made the anger in me dissipate. I blinked as he stood up. I stood a little bit taller than him, making him tilt his face up to me and his blue eyes seemed to sparkle in the sunlight as he smiled. "Thank you."

"I, um," I glanced to the side, not being able to take the warmth that spread through me. "You're, uh, welcome." I noticed a book laying on the stone walkway, all the pages bent. "Is this yours?" I bent down to pick it up and I turned it over, not understanding what it was saying but I could recognize the drawing of a leaf on its page.

"Oh, um, yeah." He seemed awkward as he took the book from me and I wasn't sure if I should leave or not. I didn't really want to. I wanted to stay with this boy.

"I'm Rei." I went to hold my hand out before realizing that we had already held hands once and I could feel my cheeks heat up as I quickly lowered my hand back to my side.

"I'm Armin." His voice was so calm and soothing. I could listen to it all day.

I scratched the back of my head, shifting my weight from one foot to another as I tried to think of something to say. "I um... I can't really read that well so um... wo-would you be willing to tell me what that book is about? It looks interesting." I peaked down at the brown leather cover with gold gilding on it. I'm sure it looked better before those bullies ruined it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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