Apollo kid x Hecate kid| Shadows

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I sighed as I walked from the forest, glancing up at the sky as it changed colors, turning from night to day. I walked through the camp, passing by sleeping cabins to get to mine but I paused as I heard groans coming from one.

It was the Apollo cabin and it seemed everyone was up as someone walked out, sun kissed skin and blonde hair that seemed to be a common trait between Apollo's children. Aiden gave me an easygoing smile, "Hey Selene."

I attempted to smile back, "Um hi Aiden. Uh, did you guys have a party or something?"

He sighed and without the smile he looked tired, really tired, "Our father wakes us up every morning when he comes around by playing music only his children can hear."

I blinked, "Well that's a dick move."

He laughed, "Haven't you paid any attention to mythology? Apollo is a dick." The smile was back on again and I've noticed that all Apollo children have a billion watt smile. It must come from their father, "Anyways what're you doing up?"

I shrugged, "Um, I've been meditating."

"This early in the morning?"

I nodded, "I would explain to you why but I'm sure you want to go back to bed after your rude awakening."

"No, I would love to hear why you meditate. It's really good for the body and mind."

He looked at me expectantly and I could feel myself starting to blush, "Oh well um, as you know I'm a child of Hecate and we have magic. Our magic, if not controlled properly could cause a lot of damage on the outside and the inside, corrupting us. So along with me practicing to control it, I also meditate at night when it's at its fullest to help control it. Um Hecate is also a goddess of night, along with your aunt, so all of our magic is stronger at night then during the day."

Aiden frowned, "Do you meditate all night?"

I nodded, "Yeah along with practicing. Hecate wants all of our magic to be up to par so we won't be corrupted."

"When do you sleep?"

"During the day for a couple of hours before training."

He shook his head, the frown still on his face, "That's not good for your health Selene, you need more sleep."

I could feel a steady blush arise on my cheeks from his concern, "I'm fine Aiden. Besides, you should go back to sleep. I'm sure all your siblings have already."

He looked like he was about to argue until he had to stifle a yawn, "Okay you win this time Selene but I'm on to you. The next time I see you out in those woods at night, I'm making you sleep in the infirmary under my watch."

I let out a little laugh, "Okay Aiden."

He smiled, "Goodnight Selene."

"Goodnight Aiden." I started walking back to my cabin, looking back once to see Aiden still watching me and I turned around quickly, my cheeks burning as he caught that.

When I got to my cabin, I immediately hit my head against the wall. Why did I have to look back? Why did he have to be nice? Why? I continued to hit my head until someone told me to be quiet from one of the bunks. I sighed before going to my bed, not even bothering to change out of my clothes as I flopped down.
I inhaled deeply before exhaling, my eyes closed as I listened to the sound of the water lapping the shore. I focused inward, drawing out my magic and shaping it, controlling it.

I felt tired much more sooner during the day by doing that then at night.

Someone coughed behind me and I jumped a little before turning my upper body to see who it was.

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