Takashi Mitsuya| Motorcycle

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Recently my brother hadn't been home a lot. I knew he had aspiring dreams of being part of a gang and shit like that but let's be honest, him and his friends aren't scary. When you see them, you wanna coo at them like a pack of adorable dogs. And none of them are fighters. Maybe in spirit but when it comes to actual fights, all of them are getting their asses handed to them.

But lately, Takemichi has been gone a lot and I can only assume it's because he's got caught up in something that he probably shouldn't have. I haven't told our parents though. They wouldn't approve of whatever it was he was doing. But I think it's good that my brother has dreams. It's more than what I have.

It was late when I heard my brother's voice outside our house. Our parents were gone, like they normally was so I went out to see who my brother had been with so late.

"Takemichi?" I yawned as I padded outside in my pajamas and slippers. I was tired but I've always been unable to sleep without someone being in the house with me.

Takemichi flinched before turning around to me, rubbing the back of his neck, "I'm sorry Manami, you still weren't asleep?"

I had to keep myself from pouting once I saw my brother's friends with him, "I was waiting for you."

"Wow, a female Takemitchy." A short blond boy said and I frowned at the pronunciation of my brother's name.

"My name's Manami and my pronouns are they/them." I shrugged as I yawned once again, "But call me whatever you what, I don't care."

There was like four people, all four of them blinking at me and I was about to tell them to fuck off when one of them stepped forward.

"Takemichi, you shouldn't keep your sibling awake like this." The one that stepped forward, gave me a small smile as he looked down at me. "We've kept him too long."

There was kindness in his light purple, lavender, eyes. His whole face spoke of kindness. He wasn't judging me for my pronoun preferences. I liked that.

I felt a warmth run through me as I stared at him before becoming overwhelmed and having to look away.

I just nodded before going back inside, not waiting for my brother. If I stayed longer, I was afraid I would make a fool out of myself by saying something stupid.
I hadn't been able to ask my brother about the night I met his friends. I didn't even know their names but I did see that their uniforms weren't our school uniforms. How did he know them?

I sighed as I glanced out my classroom window. Between my brother and I, I was the "smart" one. I was good at school, I made good grades, and I didn't do anything that most adults would consider stupid. I was basically just going through life without doing hardly anything except my school work because I have nothing better to do. But my brother wants to be a part of something big and wants to be a part of gang history. He wants to help people, save them.

But once I saw my brother leaving school, following two of the ones that was at the house the other night, I felt something compelling me to follow them.

So I did. I felt like it should've been harder to sneak out of the school then what it was. But whatever.

I followed my brother and his friends all the way to a building where there was so many people, all in the same uniform. A gang. My brother was a part of a gang. A big one at that.

"Woah." I muttered. I wonder if that's all the members or if there was more that wasn't here yet.


I startled at the voice behind me, trying to not scream as I whirled around to see who was behind me.

It was the kind one from the other night with the lavender eyes. He smiled, almost laughing as I huffed.

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