Kakashi Hatake| Deepest Desire

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The first time I saw Kakashi Hatake was when I was twelve. He was my twin sister's sensei. I didn't go to the academy so I didn't have to worry about ninja responsibilities like my sister did. It was a good life.

When I met Kakashi, it was during one of my sister's useless missions to find a cat that she'd always complained about. It was completely by accident that I met him.
I ran through town, thinking I saw glimpses of my sister's long pink hair. Every time I turned a corner she seemed to turn another corner, her hair trailing behind her. I sped up, determined to catch up to her when I ran into a wall.

I groaned as I hit the ground.

"Oh I'm sorry."

My head snapped up at the sound of a low voice and at first I thought the man was old by looking at his weird spikey hair. "Oh sorry old man, I didn't mean to run into you. Are you okay?"

"Old... man?" The man sweat dropped.

I got up wiping my hands on my pants, "Sorry again, I need to find my sister." I ran past him in the direction I thought my sister went.

"Sakura!" I ran up to the girl who looked almost identical to me except her hair was longer.

She turned around, a cat in her arms. "Shobu, what're you doing here?"

"I came to town to see if I could find the neighbor's cat but instead I saw you. I accidentally ran into an old man while chasing you."

She laughed, the cat hissing in her arms. "Hush." She hissed back, "I know I'm not Sasuke but there's no need to be rude about it."

"Oh hey Sakura, I see you found the cat. Good job."

I turned around to see the old man I had ran into a couple minutes earlier, "Hey! It's the old man I ran into."

He sweat dropped again, "I'm not... old."

My sister laughed again, "That's not an old man Shobu, that's my sensei."

My eyes widened before bowing, "Forgive me Kakashi-sensei, I didn't know."

He laughed awkwardly, "It's fine. Sakura, we should go finish the mission. Where's the other two."

"I'm not sure. The idiot." Sakura muttered as the cat started struggling in her arms.

"Here Sakura, let me hold the cat. Animals have always liked me better." I held my arms out for her to give me the cat.

"Good riddance." She placed the cat in my arms and I stroked the fur on its head as it started to purr.
I frowned, "You're going away for a mission?"

Sakura nodded as she finished packing her bag. "I'm leaving right now."

"Do you know how long you'll be gone?" I've always been independent of my twin but that didn't mean I wouldn't miss being around her.

She shrugged, "I have no clue Shobu."

"Can I at least walk you to the gates?"

She smiled as she placed her bag on her back, "Yeah!"

We walked to the gates together, talking about anything and everything. When we got there, her two teammates were already there.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Where's your sensei?" 

"Oh he's always late. He'll be here soon though."

I nodded even though I didn't comprehend how someone could be late all the time. Sakura went to fawn over who I assumed was Sasuke. "When she said she had a crush, I didn't think it was this bad." I muttered.

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