George Weasley| Ghost

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I narrowed my eyes at the redhead in front of me, "I don't like you."

"Well I don't like you either."

Fred sat down next to his twin, "What're you lot on about now? Annoying the ghost again?"

I turned my narrowed eyes on the other redhead, "And I don't like you."

He placed a hand to his heart, "Ouch Lucie, I thought we were friends and it was just George you hated."

I rolled my eyes, "Just because I helped you prank Malfoy that one time does not make us friends. Especially what you put me through your first year."

"Well how was I suppose to know how to treat ghosts? Nearly Headless Nick takes everything in good stride, why can't you?" George asked while eating a roll.

I frowned, "Well he's been dead a lot longer than I have Weasley. Merlin why is there so many Weasleys in this school?" I muttered.

"Mum and dad were like rabbits. Would you please just help us this time? You know how horrid that toad is." George gave me pleading eyes which I hated because they always work.

I sighed, "Fine but if she somehow figures out how to punish me I will haunt you for the rest of your days George Weasley."

Him and his twin grinned, "Great, we'll see you in the common room love."
I stood in front of the fire, not feeling any of its warmth as I crossed my arms, "What is it you want me to do Weasley?"

"Snap the quills."

I turned around, confusion over my pale features, "Snap the quills?"

George nodded, "She uses these quills that don't use ink and while you write, it cuts it onto your hand. Hurts like hell. And she even uses it on first years Lucie."

I frowned, "And you want me to float into her office, find the quills, and snap them?"

Fred nodded, "Exactly. Do it while she's patrolling the hallways. She won't suspect a ghost, she'll probably suspect us."

"And what will you be doing while I'm doing this?"

"Planning." They said in unison.

"Planning what?"

George grinned, "You'll see."

I just shook my head and left, floating out the portrait hole because the Fat Lady hates it, saying it tickles her.

I floated up towards the ceiling along the route to Umbridge's office before pausing at her door, what if she's devised a system to keep ghosts out?

I held my hand out, slowly inching towards the door until it went through and the rest of my body followed it.

I looked around her overly pink office filled with cat plates, why am I able to get in? Has this lady never met Peeves? I shrugged and went to her desk, knowing she's had to have locked it and felt through each drawer, feeling for quills and pulling them out whenever I found any.

I looked at the pile of quills on the toad's desk, there couldn't be that many of them right? Oh well, I picked all of them up, snapping them before throwing them in the fire that she had.

I floated back into the Gryffindor common room where Fred and George still was, "She didn't have any enchantments to keep ghosts out which is weird. I would've thought she'd be smarter then that."

"Did you break the quills?" George asked, looking up from whatever they were doing.

I nodded, "Yes. Well I broke all the quills that I could find, I don't know if they were those exact ones."

Fred shrugged, "Good enough."

I floated near them, trying to look at what they were doing, "What're you doing Weasleys?"

George grinned up at me, "You'll see tomorrow."
I watched from one of the towers as the Weasley twins flew out of the castle on their broomsticks that Umbridge had confiscated with fireworks trailing after them. The corner of my mouth quirked up as they threw one last firework up together that created a large 'W' and then flew off with students cheering them on.

Good riddance George Weasley and Fred Weasley.
July 1997
I looked around at the tent filled with people, why am I here again? And then I saw him, the dark haired boy with glasses, right I'm supposed to tell him.

I made my way through the people, trying not to pass through them because people don't like that whenever I was intercepted by a tall ginger, "Lucie? What're you doing here?"

I scowled at George, "I'm here for something important Weasley."

He grinned down at me, "Still don't like me I see. That's good, I'm glad you haven't changed from the Lucie I know."

"Move or else I'll go through you and I've heard from enough to people to know that they don't like that."

He frowned and moved but before I could go to Harry he grabbed my hand.

Or at least tried to, his hand passed through my wrist, "I just want one dance before you go Lucie."

I frowned as I turned to look at him, "A dance? You want to dance with a ghost? Are you mental?"

His grin came back as he cocked his head to the side, "No love, I'm not. And who wouldn't want to dance with a ghost?"

"Lots of people." He stared at me, giving me sad eyes until I sighed, "Fine, one dance but that's it. I've came here for an important matter."

He reached out to grab my hand, taking it in his as I placed my hand on his shoulder, "I don't see why you don't make yourself solid all the time Lucie."

"Because I don't want idiots grabbing me all the time George."

He just grinned before saying, "Your hand is really cold."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm a ghost, what did you expect?"

"Um nothing?"

"You're an idiot George Weasley."

"I have a joke shop that says otherwise Lucie."

"You're impossible."

"Technically that should be you. I mean you're a ghost, you're not supposed to solidify on will unless you were a poltergeist like Peeves."

I raised my pale eyebrow, "How long did it take you to figure that out?"

He looked sheepish, "Third year."

I shrugged as we continued to dance, "I don't know why I'm like this. I'm not even sure I'm actually a ghost or not."

George mumbled something but before I could ask what he said a bright light appeared, ripping through the tent as everyone scattered from it.

George placed himself in front of me as I gripped his sleeve, looking at the patronus, "The Ministry has fallen. The Minister of Magic is dead. They are coming, they are coming..."

I looked at George with wide eyes, "I need to go, I have to warn the castle."

He nodded but grabbed my wrist before I could go, "George wha-" I was cut off by him kissing me. Which shocked me because I could feel it, I could feel his lips against mine.

When he pulled back I placed a hand to my mouth, "How? I could feel it, I could feel your lips."

"Go Lucie, warn them."

I nodded, "Be safe Georgie." And I was gone, going to warn McGonagall and the others at Hogwarts just as the first Death Eaters showed up at the wedding.

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