Tadaomi Karasuma x Irina Jelavic| Bonds

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This was a request and I don't exactly remember who requested it but I'm sorry it took so long. Hope you enjoy.

The first time Irina Jelavic saw Tadaomi Karasuma, she thought he was a stuck up government drone obsessed with his job. Which was reinforced when he opened his mouth, laying out the situation in front of her and Lovro in simple terms. No bullshit.

"Will you accept this job?" Karasuma's dark eyes held Irina's light ones, military men surrounding their meeting table.

"Of course." How hard could seducing a yellow blob be?
What the hell, what the hell, what the hell? Why is he slimy? What the hell?

Irina looked up at Koro-sensei, her new target. She seen pictures that the military had been able to take of him but she still wasn't prepared. After meeting with the principal of the school, she immediately trudged up this hill, much to her displeasure, to meet the target and take him out.

She had many plans, some of them already in motion. But for them to work, she must put on her best show to make this slimy, yellow blob like her. To get him to trust her.

This should be a piece of cake, she thought to herself, how could a blob turn me down? He's lucky that he even gets to look at me.

Tadaomi, however, knew that all of Irina's plans were going to fail. He knew exactly what that blob was capable of and he knew that Irina was going to fail. The only way something like Koro-sensei would get caught is if he let himself get caught.

Tadaomi wasn't going to help Irina. He didn't want to be around her that much in the first place, but it was just for work. As long as Irina kept out of his way, Tadaomi would keep out of her way.

And that's just how it was going to be.
Irina hated the fact that she actually had to teach. She took this job because she thought it would be easy. Kill the target, get the reward, and move on. If she killed someone with that high of a reward, she would become an even more famous hit-woman.  But how could she become more famous if she's hidden away at this school with a perverted blob and an uptight military man who kept saying she was dressed "inappropriately."

She dressed for her job and her job was to kill a pervert.
Tadaomi sighed as he leaned back in his chair. He knew this wasn't going to be an easy job. He knew that. But why did it seem so... monotonous? Every single day those kids tried to kill the monster and every single day they failed. Every single day was another day of teaching. When was it going to end?

"Karasuma~!" Irina said as she came into the staff room. Tadaomi wasn't exactly exasperated but he also wasn't excited about Irina either. He felt that she had her priorities... not exactly wrong but her priorities also weren't straight. Her priorities were definitely not aligned with his, that's for sure.

"Yes?" Tadaomi sounded tired. He didn't even look up from his computer which made Irina pout.

Irina wasn't sure what it was about Tadaomi. Was it his cool demeanor? She wasn't sure but she did know that for some reason, she wanted his attention. She wasn't even sure when she started feeling this way. Maybe it was because even though he seemed like a block of ice, he was actually... sweet? Deep down, Irina knew Tadaomi was a sweet man. He revealed that side to her when he let her "kill" him in the bet against her mentor. Irina knew Tadaomi didn't have to do that but he did it anyways. He cared for her and their students in his own way. And she thought that was amazing.

But how could she get his attention? He disliked her clothes and the way she taught. He didn't find her talents impressive. If she couldn't get his attention with that, then what else was she supposed to do? It was like Tadaomi was immune to her feminine wiles.

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