Katsuki Bakugou| Words

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Misa Hisakawa: She's a quiet girl who likes to go without being noticed by people. She also likes to use her Quirk to mess with people, she'll sharpen her teeth to make her look like a vampire.

Quirk: Sharp Elongation. She can elongate and sharpen anything on her body (arms, teeth, fingers, hair etc.) This Quirk is a combination of her parents, her mom can stretch out her limbs and bend them and her dad can sharpen his.

Age: 16
Warning: some language
I looked over at the loud, spiky haired blond and sighed. Does Bakugou have a off button? I tapped the redhead in front of me, "Does Bakugou have a off button?"

Kirishima laughed, "I'm afraid not Hisakawa."

I slumped back into my seat, "I wish he had one."

"Don't we all?" Kaminari said as he turned to us. I once more looked towards Bakugou as Kaminari, Kirishima, and Sero all started talking and laughing. Sometimes I wished I wasn't in class 1-A, I thought as Bakugou once again called us extras.
"Out of my way extras." Bakugou grumbled as he pushed through us.

I rolled my eyes, "You know, if you just said excuse me then we would move out of your way."

He stopped, turning towards me, "What was that Mouse?"

I huffed at his little nickname for me, "Next time just say excuse me. It's not that hard Bakugou, even a little kid can do it."

His eyebrow twitched, "What're you tryin' to say? That a little kid's better then me?"

"Well essentially yes. I'm surprised you even got that through your thick skull. Now, if you would excuse me, I need to go." I skirted around him, ignoring the ticking time bomb sounds coming from him as I left UA.

"Hey! Get back here Mouse!"
"Bakugou's been staring at you all morning. Honestly, if looks could kill, you'd be dead. What'd you do to him?" Uraraka asked me as she stared between me and the angry blond who I could hear becoming angrier by the second.

"I called him a little kid the other day and now he's been pouting. Like the little kid he is." I rolled my eyes and laid my head down on Uraraka's desk, "I'm surprised someone hasn't decked him by now."

"Kinda hard when almost everyone's afraid of him and he has such a powerful Quirk. I don't know about you but I don't feel like getting my face blasted off today."

I sighed, "Maybe one day."

"Alright put your gym uniforms on, we're training today." Mr. Aizawa said as he walked into the room.

I sighed again as I followed everyone to get changed.

I shied around to the back of the lockers, out of sight of the other girls to change. I didn't want them to see the stretch marks covering my body that I acquired from my Quirk. I flexed my fingers, noticing the light glinting off the red lines on them and finally decided to go out.

"Okay, partner up. I don't care who with just as long as you don't kill anyone."

I looked around in fear, I was never good at partnering up with people. Everyone was getting partners and I looked around to find Uraraka only to see her already partnered with Midoriya. I clutched my hands to my chest as I looked for Momo to see her with Todoroki and I felt my will crumble.

"Oi Mouse, get over here."

I tensed at the sound of Bakugou's voice and I sincerely hoped I didn't have to fight against him.

"What're ya, deaf? Get your ass over here."

I whirled around on him and he laughed, "Look at that, it seems like Mouse is mad."

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