Itachi Uchiha| Protect You

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[Modern AU]

I nudged Sakura as I noticed who walked in, "Hey Sakura, look who just walked into your section."

She looked up from the small tv in the corner of the counter to see Sasuke sit down in a booth by himself. She let out a little squeak before scrambling to grab her notepad, "I need to go."

I laughed a little as Sakura made her way over to Sasuke Uchiha, her crush since she's been in elementary. She accidentally bumped into a stool at the counter and I placed my hand over my mouth to keep myself from laughing harder.

The bell over the door rang as it opened again and I looked to see who came in. He was tall, pale with dark obsidian eyes and straight dark hair that was pulled back into a low ponytail with little pieces hanging in front of his face. He bore a slight resemblance to Sasuke as he stared at me. I gave him a slight smile before he turned, sitting down at a small table for two that was in my section.

I looked over to see how Sakura was fairing with Sasuke before going to the other man. She looked flustered as she quickly wrote something down and I stifled another giggle as I grabbed my own notepad and pen and left the counter.

"Hi, welcome to Sochi's. What can I get you?" I plastered my best smile on my face as the dark haired man looked up at me.

"I'd like two sticks of dango please." His voice was deep but in a soothing way.

I scribbled that down, "Is that all?"

"Yes, thank you."

"I'll have that right out to you, love." I mentally cringed as I said that. The more I work at this diner, the more I feel like a middle aged woman.

He gave me a smile, "Thanks, love."

I felt my cheeks heat up and I turned quickly, going to the back to give the order to the cook. The cook was a middle aged man who hit on everyone and everything and I never liked going back into the kitchen for anything.

"Two sticks of dango." I said as I placed the paper in a clip.

"Thanks sweetie." He said, giving me a smile that was bordering on a smirk.

I just turned around and almost ran into Sakura. Her eyes were bright and her cheeks were flushed. She looked like she'd been running but she wasn't out of breath. She gave me a smile before reaching behind me to clip her order, "You look happy."

She grinned, "He talked to me, we had a whole conversation and guess what!"

I raised an eyebrow, "What?"

"He asked me out!" She squealed before calming herself, "We're going out tomorrow so could you cover my shift for me?"

I sighed, tomorrow was supposed to be my only day off but I can't say no to Sakura, not with how happy she looks right now, "Fine but you owe me, Haruno."

She squealed again and hugged me, "Thanks, thanks, thanks, thanks! I love you, you're the best!"

I rolled my eyes, "This date had better be the greatest date in the history of dates."

"Dango!" The cook's voice rang out along with the chime of a bell.

I went over to grab the plate with two dango sticks on it and ignored the wink the cook sent me as I went over to the brunette. He gave me a small smile as I placed the dango down, "Do you need anything else, sir?" I made sure not to call him love again.

"Do you guys have today's newspaper?"

I nodded, "Let me go grab you one." I went over to the counter where we had a small stack of the daily newspaper for the patrons who choose to sit at the counter but it's also for the people who ask. I grabbed one and went back to him and placed it down, "Anything else? Coffee? Tea?" I raised my eyebrow.

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