Kakashi Hatake| Childhood Friend

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4 Years Old
"Kaka!" I screamed as I ran to the older, silver haired nin.

I jumped and he caught me, spinning me around, "Hey there Rose."

I giggled as he continues to hold me, "Hi Kaka." I looked over his shoulder to see three other people, "Who they?"

Kakashi let me down before pointing at a pretty brown haired girl, "That's Rin," he pointed to a black haired boy with goggles, "Obito," and finally he pointed to the tall, blonde haired man, "and Minato sensei. They're my teammates."

"Mate! Mate!" I scream gleefully before running around Kakashi in a circle, "Play!"

Kakashi shook his head at me, "I'm sorry Rose but I can't today. I have a important mission."

I frowned, tears coming to my eyes, "But Kaka."

Kakashi swooped me up in his arms again, pressing a kiss to my cheek, "I will next time Rose, I promise."
7 Years Old
I held Kakashi's hand as everyone looked on at the Memorial Stone, at all the new names added. He needed someone to be there that wasn't his teammates.

"Kaka?" I whispered.

He leaned down, "Yes Rose?" He murmured.

I squeezed his hand, "I'm sorry."

And that was when I felt something wet hit my shoulder. I didn't mind if he cried on me, he didn't need to be so strong all the time.
8 Years Old
I held Kakashi's hand once again as we looked down at the grave that I knew he would be spending a lot of time at. It seems he can't get a break.

I squeezed his hand, leaning up the best I could to murmur, "It's going to be okay."

He looked at me with his one dark eye before leaning down, resting his head on my shoulder and wrapping his arms around me in a hug. He's the strongest person I know.
14 Years Old
I ran down the yard, recognizing the familiar silver haired man. I jumped, making him catch me as I wrapped my arms and legs around him, "Kakashi!"

It was the first time I've gotten to see him in years. He gave me a smile, I could tell from his eye, "Hey Rose."

I nuzzled my face into the crook of his shoulder, "I've missed you."

He carried me towards my house where I lived with my gran, "I've missed you too Rose."
16 Years Old
I stood next to Kakashi at the entrance of where the Uchihas live... lived. There was caution tape across the entrance, warning us from going inside, "And only one survived?"

Kakashi nodded, "Yes, his little brother."

I took his hand, giving it a squeeze like I always did, silently communicating 'I love you'.

He squeezed back, making my heart flutter in a way it's never before.
21 Years Old
I knocked at the door in front of me, impatiently waiting for him to answer. I heard his footsteps coming towards the door before it opened, revealing a thoroughly disheveled and shirtless Kakashi, "Rose?"

I smiled, "I just heard that you're going to be working at the academy being a sensei!"

He sighed, running a hand over his face, "Yeah."

I frowned, "You don't sound too happy."

Kakashi shrugged before moving aside, gesturing me in, "I just don't want to work with kids."

I turned to him before grabbing his hand, leading him into his living area, "Sit."

He did as he was told and I got behind him, massaging him shoulders and neck. Kakashi let out a groan as I started, "Thanks Rose."

"Anything for you Kakashi." I whispered as I ran my hands down his back, rubbing out some kinks. I noticed some faint scars and ran my hands lightly over them, wishing I knew what was going through his head.

"Rose?" It was a whisper, barely there.

I leaned my head forward, resting it on his shoulder, "Yes?" I wrapped my arms around his torso, feeling the muscles of his stomach contract.

"I uh, I-" He broke off, shaking his head.

"What is it?" I asked, moving to sit in front of him, taking his hands and squeezing them.

"It's nothing."

"Kakashi, you can tell me anything." I said, scooting closer to him as he looked away.

"Like I said Rose, it's nothing."

I reached up, placing a hand on his jaw, turning his head back towards me. I looked into his eyes, one dark and one red with Sharingan, "Don't lie to me Kakashi."

"I just love you so damn much." He whispered before leaning in and kissing me.

It took my brain a minute to process what was happening. This man whom I've been in love with since I can remember told me he loves me and is kissing me.

I closed my eyes, kissing him back as his hands found my waist, pulling me into his lap. When we pulled away from each other, our chests heaving, I whispered, "I love you too Kakashi."

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