Denki Kaminari| Studying

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Koharu Uemura: She helps whoever needs it.

Quirk: Unknown

Age: 15
"Hey Kaminari, are we still up for studying tonight?" I asked the blond as I stretched. He nodded, his eyes trailing down my body and I smacked the back of his head. "Don't be a perv Kaminari."

He rubbed the back of his head, "Sorry Uemura."

I packed up my stuff and slung my bag over my shoulder, "Well Kaminari? Let's go."

I followed the electric blond to his dorm where it was... unusual to say the least. I flopped down on his bed, feeling of the soft cheetah print comforter. I groaned as I snuggled into it, inhaling Denki's scent of lemons with a hint of electricity. I secretly enjoyed it but I would never tell him that lest it give him a big head.

"I thought we were studying, not napping." Denki's voice was near my ear and I slapped where I thought he was.

"Leave me alone." My voice was muffled by his comforter, "I've had a rough day."

"But you promised to help me. I'm struggling Uemura." He whined.

I huffed before sitting up, "Fine. But you owe me Kaminari." I glared at him.

He gave me a relived smile, "Whatever you want Uemura."
I blinked as I looked down at the paper. I don't know how long Kaminari and I had been studying but I could feel my eyelids drooping the longer I stared incoherently at the paper.

"Kaminari?" I mumbled.

"Hm?" I looked over to see Denki resting his head against the wall.

"Maybe we should take a break? Watch a movie or something?"

"Yeah sure." He got up lazily, pushing books and papers off of him. He bent down and started looking through a stack of movies. "All I have is action, are you okay with that?"

"Yeah that's fine." I pulled at my school uniform, wanting to change but too tired to get up.

He looked back at me with a frown, "Are you uncomfortable?"

I shook my head, "It's just my uniform. I'm too tired to go to my dorm to change right now."

He shuffled over to a set of drawers, pulling out a pair of grey sweats and a tan shirt. I rolled my eyes, thanks Kaminari for showing off that you have clothes to change into. He turned around and held them out to me.

I stared at the clothes in confusion, "What?"

"You won't have to go to your dorm, you could just wear my clothes." His cheeks turned pink, "Only if you want to."

I hesitantly grabbed them and got off of his bed. He stared down at me and I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks. "Would you turn around?"

His eyes widened and his face went red, "O-oh yeah! Right, I'll do that now." A spark of electricity flickered off his hand before he turned, facing the doors.

I turned my back to him, facing his zebra striped curtains that made me giggle a little. I unbuttoned my white shirt, peeking behind me to make sure Denki was still turned around before taking it off. Goosebumps formed across my skin as the cold air hit it and I quickly shoved Denki's shirt on, glancing down at the symbol on the front. It was a Greek omega sign or the Ohm symbol, whichever you wanted to look at it. I looked back again before pulling my skirt and socks down and quickly shimmying into his sweats. His clothes were slightly baggy on me and I pulled the collar of his shirt up to my nose, inhaling the lemony scent of it before shoving my school uniform in my bag.

"You can turn around now Kaminari."

His face turned red from his neck up to his ears whenever he turned around. "Are you okay Kaminari?" I reached out to him, meaning to touch his forehead but he backed away.

"Y- yeah, I'm fine. It's a little hot in here isn't it?" He fanned himself nervously as he looked around the room, avoiding my eyes.

I shrugged before hopping back onto his bed, "Are we gonna watch a movie or not?"

I patted the spot next to me, the sound of paper crinkling underneath my hand and I opened my eyes, confused to where I was. There was books next to my head along with paper and pencils and I sat up, the brightness of the room blinding me.

"Kaminari?" I heard a groan and I looked around, not seeing him on the bed and I looked down to see him laying on the ground. "What're you doing down there Kaminari?"

He groaned again before sitting up, "I'm not a complete douche you know. I do have morals." He muttered, standing up.

Sometime during the night he had changed from his school uniform into a pair of track pants. I looked away quickly, my face heating up as I saw his bare torso. He was really muscular for such a lean dude. "Put on a shirt Kaminari."

He started grumbling as I heard him shifting through drawers before I heard the rustling of someone putting a shirt on. Whenever I looked back at him he had on a red hoodie. "Did... did we do something last night?"

He stared at me before laughing, "No. Whenever I saw you had fell asleep I decided to not disturb you and got an extra pillow and blanket and slept on the floor." He came up to me and poked my cheek, "Why do you look so disappointed Uemura? Were you hoping for a different answer?"

I shoved his hand away. "Stop your smirking damnit." I grumbled, "You're the one who couldn't even look at me without going brain dead." I stood up and quickly grabbed my things. "I'll see you in a bit Kaminari."

"Call me Denki."

I stopped at his door, looking back at him with a smile. "See you later Denki."

I stopped by my dorm room first, dropping my stuff off before heading down to the kitchen for some coffee. Almost all the girls were down there and all stared at me as I walked past.

"Good morning." I waved at them as I passed, heading straight for the coffee. Whenever I got back and sat down on the couch they were all staring at me expectantly. "What?" I asked as I took a sip from my mug.

"Isn't that Kaminari's shirt you're wearing?" Mina asked.

I almost spit out my coffee. "W-what?"

"Your shirt, it's Kaminari's. Were you in his room last night?" The pink, alien looking girl leaned forward, "Please, tell us everything Koharu."

I looked away, my cheeks heating up. "It's nothing." I mumbled.

Someone sat down beside of me and I felt their arm go around my shoulders. "What're we talking about ladies?"

I stiffened at Denki's voice and turned my head to peek at him, "Brilliant timing Denki, just brilliant."

He blinked at me, confused. "What? What'd I do?"

"Oh please, tell us what you haven't done. Or, better yet, who you haven't done."

I made a strangled noise at Mina's tone before burying my face in Denki's shoulder. "We didn't do anything." I whined.

"Tell that to your red face." All the girls started laughing and I buried my face even more.

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