Harry x Weasleys| Sweaters*

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Warning: Some language
Everyone was joking as they ate dinner at the Burrow and Harry cleared his throat, pointing a fork at Ron, "You know Ron, I'm in love with Ginny and all but if Bill was single... goddamn I'd go there."

Ron looked horrified as everyone died laughing and Bill looked over at Harry, sending him a wink which caused Ron to scream, "Goddamnit Harry, you can't steal all my siblings!"

"Don't worry Ron," Harry grinned, "you can keep Percy."

Percy let out a mock gasp, "I'm hurt Harry, I thought we loved each other."

"You will forever be in my heart Percy Weasley." Harry blowed him a kiss before wrapping an arm around Ginny, pressing a kiss to her forehead as Ron watched everything in horror.
Harry snuck upstairs, making sure to not wake Ron as he slipped into George's room. George looked up with a grin, "What can I do for you Harry?"

"Can I borrow one of your sweaters? I'm trying to make Ron mad again."

The grin on George's face was pure evil, "Of course Harry, hold on." George rummaged through the clothes that seemed to be everywhere before pulling out a orange and brown Weasley sweater with a giant 'G' on it and held it out, "Here. I'll be down in a moment to really sell it."

Harry nodded and slipped downstairs where everyone minus Ron was and Ginny raised an eyebrow at his attire, "What're you wearing Harry? That's not one of mine."

Harry grinned, "It's one of George's. I'm going to make Ron mad again."

Ginny rolled her eyes, "Okay Harry, just don't actually fall for one of my brothers. I'd be very disappointed."

George came down and sat down before looking at Harry, "Here, Ron's going to come down soon, get on my lap."

Harry gave George a questioning look before shrugging and sitting on George's lap, wrapping a arm around the back of his neck, "We're really gonna sell this one, aren't we?"

Before George could answer there was heavy footsteps coming downstairs and Ron appeared, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. When he saw Harry his eyes widened, "Bloody hell, my eyes!"

Everyone laughed and Harry grinned at him, "Don't you think George is amazing Ron? I mean he's hot, good at quidditch, and smart. He's just amazing."

"I could say the same about you love." George said and Ron just shook his head before leaving, going back upstairs.
When Ron came down the next day, Harry was wearing Percy's sweater and his soul almost left his body when Harry smacked Percy's butt as he walked by during breakfast.
The day after was Charlie's sweater and Ron yelled, "Another one?! What're you playing at Harry?!"

Harry shrugged, a good natured smile on his face as Charlie slung an arm around his waist, "I'm just showing my love for your siblings Ron."

Ron turned to Ginny, "And you're just fine with this?!"

Ginny shrugged, taking a sip of tea, "You just gotta get used to it Ron."
It was finally time to wear Bill's sweater and Ron banged his head against the table, "When will it end?"

Harry laughed, "It'll end whenever you accept my love for your siblings. Why have one Weasley when I can have them all?"

Ron got up and ran out the door and Harry leaned against Ginny, "I love you for letting me do this."

Ginny sighed, "I love you for driving Ron crazy."

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