Connor Stoll| Lollipop

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I watched from the darkness of the woods as a group of teens picked up two people, a blonde girl and a brunet boy, and carried them as another boy with curly brown hair yelled out, "The canoe lake!"

It was nice, seeing them like that, as if the world hadn't almost ended. Of course I wouldn't know about it since my father forbade me from joining him and my half brother. He basically forbade me from going into the mortal world at all. But Percy Jackson changed that. He's the reason why my father's finally letting me leave the Underworld and go to camp. I wasn't bitter or anything. Being bitter never got anyone anything except trouble. A point made very clear by Luke Castellan.

I made my way to the big blue house where Dionysus and Chiron would be. They didn't know I was coming, they didn't know I existed at all. Which I wasn't supposed to and Hades made sure that no one knew either.

I walked up onto the porch and heard voices coming from inside so I didn't bother knocking as I opened the door to reveal a pudgy looking man and a centaur who was barely getting around, Dionysus and Chiron.

Dionysus frowned as he turned to me, "Who are you?"

"I am Morana, daughter of Hades." I didn't look either of them in the eyes, not wanting to see their loathing.

"What do you mean a child of Hades?" Dionysus demanded.

"My father also broke the oath by having me fourteen years ago. He's kept me in the Underworld with him, raised me because he didn't want people to know. I was a burden on him." I felt ashamed.

"Are you lying to me girl?"

I shook my head, finally looking at Dionysus's eyes, that looked to have purple fire in them."I would never lie to you Lord Dionysus."

He stared at me before the fire died down in his eyes, "She tells the truth." He turned to Chiron, "How could he do this?" He muttered, "He lied."

"There's no need to dwell on it Mr. D." Chiron said before looking to me, "It's almost curfew, I'd suggest finding your brother."

I nodded, "Thank you." I turned and left but instead of leaving the porch, I followed it, following the faint sound of voices. I came upon multiple lawn chairs filled with teens covered in blankets and bandages with blonde haired kids looking after them. There was also a big man in the corner watching all of them. He seemed to have blue eyes all over his body, some were closed while others were open.

One of the blonde kids, a healer, stopped and looked at me, "You're not hurt."

I shook my head, "No, I'm sorry. I heard voices and I wanted to see what it was. Um, my name's Morana." I held my hand out awkwardly.

He took it with an easygoing smile and my whole body tingled, "Will. You're new?"

I nodded, "Do you know where I could find Nico?"

He nodded, "Yeah, just give me a minute." He went over to another blonde kid, maybe his sibling, and said something to which the other just nodded. He came back over, "Let's go."

I followed him around as he pointed things out to me but it was a bit hard to tell what they looked like in the dark. We got to a set of cabins where they were constructing new ones, per Percy's request to have all the gods be represented. Including my father.

There was a black cabin with greek fire on the outside that would burn all the time and I already knew who designed it.

"He should be there if he hasn't already disappeared. He doesn't like staying around for long." Will said, pointing to the cabin.

I nodded, "I can't say I blame him. Staying in one place all your life isn't nice." I gave him a small smile, "Thanks Will for showing me around. I hope I'll see you around."

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