Luna Lovegood| Acquaintances

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As I walked throughout the forbidden forest, the more quiet it became. I wasn't sure why it seemed like all signs of life died away. There was not a peep from the birds or the chittering from other wild creatures. Not even a leaf rustle from creatures underfoot. Dead silence.

I continued through the silent forest, relishing the seemingly crisp, silver quiet that I never get in the castle. It felt like a cold wash on my skin that left goosebumps trailing after it. It felt perfect.

My footsteps were the only noise I could hear as my boots crunched dried and decaying leaves and broken twigs that splintered underfoot. It was like I was the only living thing in this part of the forest.

Soon I came upon a clearing surrounded by the skeletal trees of winter that were trying to survive to see another spring.

"Oh, hello." A soft voice startled me out of my wits. It was the first thing I heard in a while.

A girl looked at me as she held an apple up for a skeletal horse looking thing. A thestral.

"Did the sprites lead you here? They're quite awful with leading people astray. Or did the wrackspurts cloud your brain? I'm afraid that I would be the only one who would believe you if that's what happened. Try thinking positive thoughts to get rid of them."

I blinked as the girl continued talking in her soft voice as she feed the thestrals... something. She kept pulling them out of a bag at her hip. It seemed weighed down.

She made absolutely zero sense though. I had no clue what in the name of Salazar she was talking about.

"Do you always feed the thestrals?" I asked, trying to ignore the fact that the girl is off her rocker.

"Oh yes. They love meat." She said as she fed another one. "Would you like to feed one?"

She turned, holding a piece of raw meat expectantly towards me. She kinda... she kinda looked ethereal. She looked as if she came from a Tolkien book as an Elf. Pale skin, pale silvery eyes that seemed to sparkle as she held the meat out, and long blonde hair. Straight out of The Lord of the Rings.

"Um," I swallowed as I glanced from this weird girl to the waiting thestral, "no thanks."

She shrugged before tossing the meat up to the thestral who snapped at it and swallowed it quickly.

"You look perturbed. Is something wrong? Do nargles steal your belongings too?" The girl asked and I didn't even know what a nargle was.

"No but I feel like I'm losing brain cells."

She frowned as she went to feed another thestral, "Sounds like the wrackspurts. You need to think positive thoughts or else they'll never go away."

Was she being serious? Maybe she was crazy. Certifiably insane.

"I'm Luna Lovegood. Some people call me 'Loony' Lovegood though." She glanced back at me with a smile, "It's whatever you prefer."

Ah, that explains a lot. I guess she is certifiably insane.

She talked to herself, muttering, as she made her way through the clearing and I noticed she was barefoot. But she didn't seem to mind as she seemed to almost twirl throughout the clearing. She never tripped or stumbled or limped.

"Oh, sorry, it seems I'm all out of food. Until next time." She said to the thestrals and I thought she was going to leave but instead she walked up to me.

I blinked as I looked down at her, her silver eyes naturally wide as she looked up at me.

"Here, this is to keep the nargles away. Hopefully they'll stop stealing your things." She held up something on a chain and when I automatically held out my hand, I saw that it was a butterbeer cork. What is a butterbeer cork going to do against a nargle, whatever the fuck that is?

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