Chifuyu Matsuno| Runt*

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Warning: cussing and mentions of suicide.

I threw the open door to the apartment I shared with my mother and twin brother as I heard his voice coming towards it.

"Where have you been Keisuke Baji?" I put my hands on my hips as I glared at my technically younger sibling.

His face was scuffed up, his hair a mess and there was a boy behind him that looked even worse.

"You idiot! You said you wouldn't get into fights at this school! Do you know how hard it is to get schools to take us in?! You said you were going to get serious about your studies! I can't believe you!" My face grew red as I yelled at my brother, holding back the urge to punch him.


My eyes narrowed at him. "Really? That's all you have to say?"

"He did it because of me. I'm the reason he got into a fight."

The stranger spoke up and my glare turned on him.

"No wonder, you look like a fucking runt." I blinked, realizing I was letting my anger get the best of me. I closed my eyes, doing the breathing exercises the school counselor taught me to control my anger.

"I am sorry about that! Let me restart this whole conversation!" I smiled as wide as my face would let me. "Brother, welcome home. And welcome to our guest." I bowed as I let them by me. "Would you like something to eat? Drink? Something to clean your wounds with?"

Our guest stared at me with wide eyes and I tried my best to hold my anger in.

"How rude of me to not even introduce myself. I'm Mitsuki Baji. Help yourself to anything. I need to step outside for a moment."

I didn't bother looking back as I slammed our apartment door behind me. I needed to let off some steam.
I held my head up high as I walked through the hallway, many girls glancing at me as I walked by. It must've been the bandages. I did have a couple of bandages on my face and covering my hands.

I slid the counselor's door open, scaring the kid they were already seeing and once the kid saw me, they scrambled out without me saying anything.

I collapsed into the chair across from the counselor, "I... had a relapse."

The counselor sighed, "This is the fifth time this week Mitsuki."
I made eye contact with the boy who had been at my apartment just the evening before. I hadn't gotten his name and I wasn't about to stop and ask either.

I planned on walking on by him and his friends, ignoring them but apparently he didn't want that.

"Hey. Mitsuki Baji." He called out and I paused before turning around.

"Yeah?" I tried to keep myself from glaring at him. Everything had been getting on my nerves, even worse than usual. But he hasn't done anything to me.

"I heard you've already beat up an entire gang since you've moved here." He glanced around, "I don't know what your problem is but I'm trying not to judge you too quick since your brother helped me out."

I frowned, "Judge all you want. They had it comin'." I stepped close to him, staring down at him, "I'm trying to be better, for my brother and my mother, but if you get in my way, just know I won't hold back."

He had a bored look on his face as he looked up at me, his bleached hair falling into his eyes. "Is that supposed to scare me?"

"No. I'm just telling the truth." I glanced at his buddies behind him, "I doubt you or your buddies could do much damage anyways. You look like runts."

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