Sanemi Shinazugawa| Marriage*

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Warning: domestic violence

"Is she training again?"


I grunted as I whirled the practice sword above my head, slashing down, causing the straw dummy's head to thump to the ground. I wiped the sweat off my forehead as I broke my stance. I couldn't train with my brother's unseeing eyes on me.

"Do you mind Kagaya?" I muttered.

"I'm sorry Kagami. But you do realize what day it is, right?" My brother's soft voice rung in my ears. Of course I know what day it is. I just wish it wasn't here.


"Please come. They're waiting for us."

I sighed. I couldn't refuse my brother. His wife, Amane, held out her hand with a soft smile as I stepped up on the porch of the Ubuyashiki mansion. "Thank you Amane." I lowered my eyes as I joined arms with my brother. I was ashamed. Ashamed that I was bringing dishonor to my family by being reluctant to get married.

"It's not so bad Kagami. Marriage is something that doesn't come easy but as long as you both try then it'll get better."

I smiled as my brother tried to console me. But even he gave Amane a choice. I didn't get a choice. I had to get married, it was crucial to my survival if I wanted to live past 13.

"Thank you brother."
I bowed as I entered the Ubuyashiki mansion, Amane greeting me with her usual soft smile. "Hello Kagami."

"Hello Amane. How's my brother?" I checked in on my brother often over the years, especially since his illness was worsening. My husband didn't mind. He never cared what I did.

"He has just started the Hashira meeting. Would you like to sit in on it? We've got a new Hashira too."

I nodded, "If that's alright with you."

She led me to the porch, softly sliding one of the doors open to let me slip through before sliding it back. I sat in the back, in the shadows to not disturb the meeting.

"Well aren't you something? Hey, master Ubuyashiki!" The boy who was talking, a man really, with scars all over his body, was new. I had never seen him before. But I was not liking how he was talking to my older brother.

"Shinazugawa, it appears you do not understand how to speak properly." I could see the veins sticking out on Himejima's face as he slowly got angry at our new Hashira.

I could hear the smile in my brother's voice as he spoke. "It's all right Gyomei. Let him speak. I do not mind."

Kanae looked upset. "But master.."

"It's all right Kanae."

"You've got no shame- you make me sick! You only think of Corps members as pawns to be used and tossed aside. You've barely even tried martial arts or anything else. I can tell by just looking at you. But you're the head of the Demon Slayer Corps. It's pathetic! I've had it with all this!"

The rage building in me grew with every word the scarred blond said. I was never like my brother with a calm disposition. I angered quickly and could never calm other people. It just wasn't in my nature.


I placed a hand on my brother's shoulder. "Let me handle this brother."

"Kagami, you don't have to." I knew my brother was trying to calm me but it wasn't working. Not this time.

"No. I want to." I hopped down, approaching the blond who towered over me in my short stature. "Has anyone ever tried teaching you some manners?"

His wild eyed gaze fell on me, "What do you want, brat?"

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