Shota Aizawa| Small Time Criminal

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Yui: She was kicked out of her house when she was ten and quickly learned how to live in the streets. She met Eraserhead the first time she stole something and since then she purposefully wanted to get caught to see him. She hates hospitals.

Quirk: Hide. She can hide anything she touches or is in near proximity to. It takes all of her concentration to hide people and tires her out easily.

Age: 21
I glanced around, making sure no one was paying attention before stuffing a bottle of cheap red wine into my bag that slapped against my thigh every time I moved. It's not that I needed the wine but I had nothing better to shop lift.

I continued down the aisles of the store, grabbing random things and stuffing them into my bag. I got a certain thrill every time I stuffed something in my bag, knowing I'll eventually get caught. That's what made it fun for me. 

I frowned in mock concentration as I stood in the aisle in front of the cashier. I shook my head as I examined the price before leaving. I gave the cashier a sad smile as I left and a nod when he told me to have a good night.

I smiled as I walked down the street. I guess I wasn't going to get caught this time. I pulled out the wine and flicked the cork out of the bottle before taking a gulp of it. It tasted terrible but I didn't care.

I walked down a familiar alley and sighed as I heard someone land in the alley behind me. "Eraserhead, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Is it too soon to assume that you paid for that?"

I turned around and took a drink from the bottle and wiped my mouth on the back of my hand. "No alarms go off yet? How disappointing. But I guess that's what I get from borrowing from small, back street stores. I need to expand my reaches, don't I?"

"Borrowing? Borrowing implies you're going to give it back. I think the word you're looking for is stealing."

I waved my hand, "That's too harsh of a word Eraserhead. I don't like it."

He frowned, looking like a disappointed father. "Are you ever going to stop this? You don't even use your Quirk."

I pursed my lips, "Using my Quirk would make it too easy. I like the feeling of knowing I could get caught, that I will get caught. Besides, I get to see my favorite person: Eraserhead."

I gave him a smile and he just sighed, "Get out of here kid, I'm getting tired of seeing you constantly."

"But I'm not tired of you." I held out my bottle of wine, "Hold this."

He sighed but held it anyways and I started rummaging through my bag, picking out a bento box I bought from a gas station earlier in the day. I held it out to Eraserhead and he stared at it, "What do you want me to do with it?"

"Eat it. I bought it for you." I could tell he didn't believe me and I rolled my eyes, "I don't steal everything you know. I knew you wouldn't have ate anything that I stole so I bought it for you." I dug around my bag again before pulling out the only receipt in there and I waved it around his face, "See, here's proof that I bought it."

He still looked uneasy as he took the cheap bento box from my hands and gave me back the stolen wine. "Why?"

I shrugged and leaned against the cold bricks of the alley, taking a swig of the wine. "You're the only hero who's ever been nice to me. The only person really and I wanted to try to thank you I guess." I looked away, trying to ignore the heat flushing my face. "I know you stay out here all night, watching the city from the shadows because you're a "underground" hero and I just wanted to try to help you."

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