Katsuki Bakugou x Ochako Uraraka| Unusual

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Ochako Uraraka did not have the best relationship with Katsuki Bakugou, which was understandable. He was loud, rude, overpowering and a huge egomaniac. But they do have a mutual respect for each other, him more so than her.

Ochako tried to avoid him whenever she could, not wanting to draw attention to her and Izuku lest the latter get the brunt of Katsuki's untamed rage. But it has gotten better, Ochako and most of class 1-A could see that and she even had some theories as to why Katsuki treated Izuku the way he did.

But what Ochako and Katsuki couldn't see that the rest of the class could was how he had started treating her after the Sports Festival.
Ochako struggled on her tiptoes, trying to get a box of snacks for her, Izuku, and Tenya to eat while they watched movies but she couldn't quite get it. Her fingers brushed the box, almost grabbing it when another hand lazily came up and snatched the box. She turned around, ready to ask them for box when it was shoved at her.

"Thanks Bakugou...?"

Ochako glanced up at the spiky haired male questionably, wondering why he hadn't said something rude yet. "Don't mention it, pink cheeks." He glanced away for a second as he said Ochako's nickname, making her perpetually blushed cheeks blush even more. "Why didn't you just use your Quirk? It would've been easier."

Ochako puffed her cheeks out at this. "I don't need to use my Quirk for everything Bakugou."

Bakugou examined her like she was a foreign species that wasn't interesting enough to capture his attention except for a second. He shrugged, slouching and stuffing his hands in his pockets, "Whatever."

Ochako slipped by him, carefully cradling the box in her arms like a precious baby. "Well um okay then. Thanks again Bakugou."

There was just a grunt to confirm that he had heard her but didn't care enough to say anything back.

It was little interactions like this that made class 1-A wonder why Bakugou didn't get mad at her like he would anyone else.
Katsuki slammed his head against the desk in his dorm room. Why? Why can't I get her out of my head? He laughed a little, it's not like she's thinking about me. She's probably thinking about Midoriya. Damn Deku.

Katsuki abruptly got up from his chair, planning on going outside to get fresh air. He slammed his door open, startling the brunette that was passing by. Ochako peered at him over his shoulder before giving him a little smile, "Hi Bakugou."

Katsuki just grunted before falling instep with Ochako, seemingly going the same way but he knew that there was no way she would be going outside at this time of night too.

Katsuki felt eyes on the side of his face and he glanced down to see Ochako looking up at him. "What do you want, damn extra?"

Ochako pursed her lips, having hoped to have a civilized conversation with the spiky haired boy but those hopes were dashed. "Nothing." She muttered as she looked away.

They continued walking before Katsuki sighed, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Oi pink cheeks, can I ask you a question?"

Ochako blinked, not understanding why Bakugou would ask her a question. "Sure Bakugou, what is it?"

Katsuki felt uncomfortable, unsure how to word the question as he scratched the back of his head. "Say you've started thinking about someone... like all the time and can't get them off your mind. How do you make it stop?"

Ochako frowned as she processed Bakugou's words. "Do you mean like a crush?"

"Yes. No." Katsuki let out a growl. "Never mind, forget I said anything."

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