Draco Malfoy| Choices pt.2

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Warning: some language.

I swung my feet back and forth as I waited for Aleksander to come back. He said he had to step out for some air so I let him, knowing that it could be a little claustrophobic in here. But I was getting slightly worried. He'd been gone for a long time.

I hummed as I got up, going over to get a cup of water to give to him whenever I could find him.

"Hello Ari."

"Hello Ron, Harry." I nodded to their dates, "Padma and Parvati. Having a good time?"

"Oh yes." I could hear sarcasm underlying Padma's tone as she stared at Ron.

"Where's Aleksander?" Harry asked.

"Oh I'm about to go find him." I held up the cup of water, "Have a good night." I continued on, looking out in the hallway before going towards the courtyard were some of the carriages were.

The plastic cup of water dropped from my hand as I stared in front of me. The cup made a hollow clank as it clattered across the stones, spilling water that made them appear darker in the moonlight.

"Ale-Aleksander?" My voice seemed high pitched in my ears as I stared at Aleksander who had his arms around a girl from Beauxbatons, his face close to hers in a kiss.

He startled, dropping his arms from around her waist as he turned to me, his eyes wide. "Ariana? Ariana it's not what you think."

Tears welled into my eyes which I refused to let fall, "Oh I think I know exactly what it is, thank you very much Aleksander. You're just an asshole like the rest of them." I turned, walking automatically back to the Great Hall.

He didn't come after me. Normally in books and movies, he comes after the girl. But he didn't. I let out a choked sob that echoed off the walls before it was overtaken by another sob, from someone else.

"Her-Hermione?" I continued up the stairs before stopping in front of the crying girl curled up against the wall with her high heels beside her.

"Ari-" she hiccuped as she tried to wipe her face.

"Oh honey, what happened?" I sat down, wiping my own tears from my face. "It wasn't Viktor was it?"

"N-no. It was... it was Ron." She sobbed harder and I wrapped my arm around her, rubbing her shoulder.

"Don't cry over Ron Hermione. Remember, this is your night. Your night and no one's supposed to ruin it. Especially Ron Weasley." I sighed before placing my lips against her forehead, "Don't let him get to you Hermione."

I stood up and Hermione grabbed my hand, "Why were you crying?"

I gave her a watery smile, "An asshole. But he doesn't deserve my tears. Just like Ron doesn't deserve yours." I continued up the stairs until I came to an alcove in an abandoned hallway. I curled up against the cold stone, tears still coming down my face. I couldn't help but cry. He hurt my heart.


My head snapped up and I backed into the alcove as far as I could as Draco stared at me. "What do you want Malfoy?" I spit out, trying to wipe my face.

"Are you- are you crying?" He seemed confused as he stared down at me.

"What does it look like to you? Or does my face always seem red and puffy and splotchy?"

He sighed as he dropped his coat which had been hung over his shoulder. "Was it that Bulgarian? Xavier or whatever his name was?"

"Aleksander. What's it to you? Are you gonna make fun of me? Did you come here to rub it in my face that he cheated on me? Why are you here?" I placed my head between my arms, looking down at my dress. "Just go away Malfoy."

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