Gaara| Party Games

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I sighed as I glanced around at everyone in Naruto's small apartment. He decided to throw a little party for Lord Kazekage since he was in the village and there was way too many people in this tiny apartment.

I perked up when I heard Kiba's voice and I sought him out, hoping he brought Akamaru.

"Kibaaa!" I called out and I heard a bark in confirmation and I hurried up to him, seeing Akamaru, "Akamaru!"

Akamaru gave me a doggy grin before jumping up on me and I fell back, expecting to hit the floor but I didn't. I looked down to see sand swirling underneath me, holding Akamaru and I up.

I looked up to see Gaara staring at me with fixed eyes and I gave him a little smile, "Thanks Lord Kazekage."

He nodded as he lowered us back down, "Next time be more careful. You could get a concussion."

"Yessir Lord Kazekage." I gave him a salute before sitting up, Akamaru licking the side of my face, "Hey boy, I've missed you too."

Kiba looked down at me with an amused expression, "He wouldn't stop whining for you. It's because you always have treats for him."

I grinned as I pulled a dog treat out off my pocket, holding it out for Akamaru who took it eagerly, "I always have treats on me. Anyways, what have you been up to? I haven't got to see you much with all my training."

Before he could answer Naruto's loud voice was heard, "Everyone gather around! We're going to play a game!"

I scrunched my face up, I hate party games. Kiba laughed as he held a hand out to help me up, "C'mon, don't be a party pooper. I'm sure it'll be fun."

I rolled my eyes as he pulled me up, "They're never fun Kiba, never."

Everyone was sitting in a circle and I was surprised that there was enough room as I plopped down between Kiba and Shino.

Naruto held out a box, "We're playing Seven Minutes in Heaven. Every guy has already placed in item in here. Now who wants to pick first?" He grinned at us and every girl just looked around uncertainly.

I shrugged and raised a hand, "I'll go. Might as well get it over with."

"Alright!" Naruto held the box out, "Once you pick, you'll be blindfolded so you won't see who you got."

"Okay." I placed my hand in the box, feeling around at all the items. Some felt cold while others was sharp and I paused when my fingers brushed something warm and soft. It felt like fur.

I pulled it out, it turning out to be a little brown teddy bear. Aw, whoever kept this on them had to be a softie.

"Blindfold her!" Naruto yelled and someone placed a cloth over my eyes, turning everything dark except the pricks of light at the bottom of the blindfold.

There was a hand on my arm, guiding me to wherever we would be. Normally this would happen in a closet but I don't recall Naruto having a closet. I could be wrong though. They pushed me in, closing a door and I heard Naruto yelled out "Seven minutes!"

I untied my blindfold, revealing a dark room. I couldn't see anything. How did Naruto manage that? "Who's in here?" I asked, walking forward, hoping to find them.

The bear was still clutched in my hand and it brought me a sense of peace until I tripped over something, almost falling on my face but something stopped me.

I felt warm sand underneath me, the same sand that stopped me from falling earlier, "Careful."

My eyes widened and I quickly stood up, the sand leaving me, "Lord Kazekage. I'm sorry."

"There's no need to be. Are you alright?" I could hear his voice somewhere in front of me.

I nodded even thought he couldn't see me, "Of course I'm alright. Thank you Lord Kazekage for once again catching me. Your sand is very useful."

"It is."

I walked forward, more carefully this time, my hand out in front of me until I touched something. I thought it was a wall until it moved underneath me, "I'm sorry Lord Kazekage, I thought you were a wall."

I was about to move until something stopped me, a hand placed over mine, "Please call me Gaara."

"O-okay Gaara-sama." I moved back, gently moving my hand from his and holding his teddy bear out, "Um here's your bear back Gaara-sama."

His hand reached out, his fingers brushing mine as he took the bear from my grasp, "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

There was silence that seemed more oppressive in the dark space. I fidgeted with my hands, "So um, Gaara-sama, what do you want to do? We probably don't have much time left."

"Come here."

He said it more like a demand instead of a request and I shivered as I moved towards him, his hands soon finding me, grabbing my waist as I placed my hands on his chest, feeling the rough material of his shirt underneath my fingers, "Gaara-sama?"

There was no answer as I felt something soft on my lips. Gaara's lips moved against my own and I closed my eyes, enjoying the softness of his lips. 

I gave out a muffled squeak as his hands squeezed my hips and we broke apart, "I didn't hurt you did I?" He asked, concern laced in his low voice.

I shook my head, "No... can I kiss you again?"

"Yes." He said breathlessly and soon we were kissing again. This kiss was rougher then the last. I ran my hands up his chest, tangling them in his hair. He pressed me closer to him and we broke apart again, our chests moving in sync as we gasped for breath.

"Gaara-kun." I heard footsteps come towards whatever we were in and I stepped back from him, "Naruto's coming." I fixed my shirt and the door opened, light coming in and blinding me.

"Times up!" He grinned at us then frowned a little when he saw we weren't near each other, "I knew I should've choose someone else for Gaara."

I huffed and stepped out of the closet, "I'm sorry to disappoint Naruto but there's not going to be little Gaara's running around soon."

There was something round in the floor that I stepped on, causing me to slip and fall backwards but something caught me... again. I looked behind me to see Gaara holding me, "Gaara-kun..."

He leaned down, his lips brushing my ear, "Are you always so clumsy? You need to be more careful." He pressed a kiss to my temple before releasing me and going back to his siblings.

Naruto smirked at me, "No little Gaara's huh?"

I felt my face redden and I brushed past him, "I hate party games." I muttered and would've left but something slithered around my wrist and I looked down to see sand around it, pulling me back until I was sitting next to Gaara. I narrowed my eyes at him, "Cheater."

All of the sand disappeared back into his little gourd and he shook his head, "I don't know what your talking about."

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